Task 1The diagram shows the stages of processingcocoa beans.自2015年以来,非数据...了解更多>>
1552 2015-05-21Section1 咨询 女儿向报社要儿子被刊登的照片 填空题 1. ...了解更多>>
710 2015-05-21Task1Thetable below shows the salary of secondary/high school teachers in 2009.(...了解更多>>
578 2015-05-14本场考试第二天就是母亲节,祝愿广大考鸭在这次考出好成绩,让妈妈喜笑颜开哦!p.s. ...了解更多>>
870 2015-05-11S1: 新题,关于咨询.一共 10个填空题。1. 2.5 pounds2. Agent3. 4.304. Garden5....了解更多>>
671 2015-05-11Part1 必考题Full NameWork/studyHometown/accommodation高频话题Fruits...了解更多>>
924 2015-05-11Part1 必考题NameStudy or workHometownHome/accommodation高频话题HouseworkCooking ...了解更多>>
934 2015-05-07本次阅读考试有两篇新题,一篇旧题(passage 3),但旧题题型有所变动。考到了填空,判...了解更多>>
496 2015-05-07S1:旧题=130314 填空题 电影俱乐部入会咨询 1. type of movie: action movie2. other ...了解更多>>
765 2015-05-07Task 1The plans below show the changes of aparticular area from 1965 to present ...了解更多>>
720 2015-05-07Task 1 Thechart shows the most commonly used places to get access to the...了解更多>>
1127 2015-05-04Part1 必考题NameWork/studyHome /FamilyHometown 高频话题CarsClothes/...了解更多>>
771 2015-04-28S1: 旧题 B13-11114 填空 保险咨询 1. Deighton (人名)2...了解更多>>
794 2015-04-28