小编:Scofield 597雅思口语换题季来了,“烤鸭”们准么好了吗?
| Band | Lexical resource | Grammatical range and accuracy |
| 6 | has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss | uses a mix of simple and complex structures, |
| topics at length and make meaning clear in | but with limited flexibility |
| spite of inappropriacies | may make frequent mistakes with complex |
| generally paraphrases successfully | structures, though these rarely cause |
| comprehension problems |
根据官方给出的评分标准,6分的词汇要求是:a wide range of vocabulary to discuss topics, 说白了就是使用较为广泛的词汇来表述不同的话题;6分的语法要求:a mix of simple and complex structures,简单和复杂句的混合使用,而不是仅仅停留在简单句和最基本的时态上。
我们来看看口语5-5.5分的宝贝们,义无反顾丢给雅思考官的词儿,都是些什么样的“精粹”,简直不忍直视啊~ (心疼雅思口语考官一秒钟)
口语Part one中很多同学都被问到1. Are you still a student?
答:Yes, I am. I’ma middle school student in Suzhou No. 1 middle school.
2. What’s your favorite subject in school?
答:My favoritesubject is Maths because I think Maths is very interesting.
好吧,I’m a middleschool student in ... school. 实在是最普通不过的一个一般现在时简单句,二年级小学生应该就可以讲的出来;My favorite subject is Maths because I think Mathsis very interesting. 重复考官问题中的favorite, 解释原因也用了最low的because, 数学很有趣也不过就是interesting这个词。童鞋,虽然你是我的亲学生,但是老师我做雅思口语考官也不可能给你高过5.5的分数呀!
我们回到评分标准这一项,尝试着用lesscommon words来paraphrase那些经常用到的“口水词”“口香糖词”,另外从语法角度,使用稍微复杂一些的句式和时态。介绍学校,可以使用现在完成进行时,以一个高二学生来举例:I’ve beenstudyingfor almost two years in Suzhou No. 1 Middle school which ranks to be the best in myhometown. 相对复杂的时态和定语从句的使用,提升了整个句子的语法高度。
对于喜欢的科目As for thesubject Ilove most,Maths would definitely bemy first choice, sinceI started tobeinterested in numbers and calculation when Iwas a little boy. Plus, the feeling of working out a complicated mathsquestion always excites me. 对于“最喜欢”,不是单一地重复favorite, 而是用到了love most ; first choice ; be interested in, 同时用时间状语从句加长了句子;用Plus进行进一步的补充说明,同时也提供了个性化的细节。要知道,雅思口语考官最喜欢“说人话,有细节”的孩子啦~
总而言之,不要一想到重要的,就只会说“important”,好吃的只有“delicious”;忙碌的,就只能讲出“busy”。这样low的词汇再放到简单的一般现在时态的短句中,偶尔还要来个发音错误,加上he 和she傻傻分不清楚,你们要的6分考官真的给不了啊!