小编:长安 691在经历了5月口语变题季之后,各位考生在6月迎来了各类奇葩考题的新一轮袭击,被问到的话题也越来越偏向于抽象化,且考官对于学生在第三部分临场应变的能力要求也趋向升高,各位考生除了在准备素材的基础中,接下来的备考过程也需要同样侧重对于模拟考试环节的重视,来减少真实考试时的紧张感。
【PART 1 原题重现】
【PART 2 原题重现】
Describe a singer or band you like
Describe a person who has interesting ideas
Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person
Describe a child who made you laugh once
Describe a person who encouraged and helped you achieve a goal
Describe a person who speaks a foreign language well
Describe a person who often helps others
Describe a person you know who protects environment
Describe a person who is beautiful or handsome
Describe an old person you find interesting
Describe an intelligent person
Describe a person you like to study or work with
Describe a person you want to be similar to when you were growing up
Describe a public facility that improves local environment
Describe an ideal house
Describe a historical building you have been to
Describe a park or garden you like visiting
Describe sth special you brought back home from holiday
Describe a piece of clothing you ofen wear
Describe a prize you would like to win
Describe a meal you inivited others to have at your home or in a restaurant
Describe a practical skill you you learnt
Describe a water sport you would like to try
Describe an unsual vacation you had
Describe a game or quiz show you watched on tv
Describe an impressive ad. you remember well
Describe an activity you do to stay healthy
Describe a book you want to write
Describe a handmade gift you received that made you happy
Describea kind of food that people eat on special event
Describe an item you bought but rarely use
Describea you grandparent's job
Describe a childhood game
Describe a piece of good news you recenetly heard online
Describe a historical period you are interested in
Describe a subject you didn't have interst before but find important now
Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time
Describe a friend's success you are proud of
Describe sth helps with you study or work
Describe a time when you received a bad service
Describe a time when you help sb find sth he/she lost
Describe a time you gave advice to others
Describe a time you got up extremely early
Describe a time you solved problem online
Describe a time you received a call from someone you didn't know in public
Describe a time you got incorrect information
Describe a time when the vehicle you were travelling broke down
Describe a time when you had a good time with your friends
Describe a free day off study/work
Describe a time when someone didn't tell you the whole truth
Describe a time when you didn't have enough time
Describe a time when you taught sb younger than you something new
【Part 1-3真题点评】
Part 1:
第一部分的问题多为"简单问题"simple questions. 该部分是热身环节,考官侧重与考察学生的流利度,所以学生在回答时要忌讳keep talking, 会显示出过分准备的情况。建议给出脑海中一闪而过的想法,补充1-2句解释或者例子即可。
Part 2:
Part 3:
这一部分是深入讨论,要求考生分析某种现象的原因或者表达观点。可以适当借用一些写作相关表达,当然,能够提出自己的独到见解是非常棒的。 由于这一部分个别题目可能比较抽象,建议考生在平时训练的时候多练习逻辑思维,敢于不"循规蹈矩"。
Describe something special you brought back home from a holiday
You should say:
What it was
When and where you bought it
Why you bought it
And explain how you felt about it
Souvenir 纪念品
Graffiti 涂鸦
Summer camp 夏令营
Discover and explore 探索与发现
Moutainous region 多山的地区
Affordable = cheap 便宜的
Cost sb a forture = expensive 昂贵的
Once-in-a-lifetime experience 一辈子才有一次的经历
Off the top of my head is a souvenir that I bought from my trip in Victoria. It's kind of like a stone but with graffiti I drew on my own.
It's about less than a year ago when I went on a summer camp organized by my senior high school. Almost the whole class went there to explore and discover this fascinating city called Victoria which is you know, the capital city of BC province in Canada. We had spent a month experiencing the new culture that I hadn't expected before. Before we left this beautiful city, we went to a natural park in a mountainous region and bought this stone at a gift shop. It looked very normal, but what made it special was the part where I got to do some graffiti on it. I picked the totem of a raven which represents a kind of foreseeable wisdom according to the local culture. It's very affordable, it didn't cost me a fortune. So I bought it without any hesitation.
Regarding how I feel about this souvenir, well, although it's not pricey, it's a piece of priceless memento for me. I guess it's a reminder of my fascinating journey in Victoria. In other words, every time I see it which is well-kept on my shelf, I can recall those joyful memories I shared with my classmates and the breath-taking landscape of that natural park in Canada. It's definitely one-of-a-lifetime experience!