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小编:Scofield 564

近期去参加托福考试的宝宝们一直在问朱朱:老师为什么我之前随随便便都可以到20+,怎么现在不行了?是不是考试变难了啊? 为什么我背模板木有用了捏?


那么如何在茫茫学海中找到适合自己的写作模板捏?难不成在忙碌的托福备考中还要再去翻阅Economist(经济学人)还有Time (时代周刊)吗?其实不用如此大费周章,直接从我们的托福阅读中就可以获得超赞的写作模板啦~TPO 27 Prey and Predator System

Predatorsare essential factor in maintaining communities that are rich and diverse inspecies. Without predators, the species that is the best competitor for food,shelter, nesting sites, and other environmental resources tends to dominate andexclude the species with which it competes. This phenomenon is known as “competitorspecies, then the populatoion of that competitoe is controlled. Thus even theless competitive species are able to survive. For example, sea stars prey on avariety of bivalve mollusks and prevent these bivalves from monopoling habitatson the sea floor. This opens up space for many other organism.When sea starsare removed, species diversity falls sharply. Therefore, from the stand point ofdiversity, it is usually a mistake to eliminate a major predator from acommunity.



A is an essentialfactor in XX. Without A, XX can have a major impact on XX, resulting in anegative effect on ....However, if A 存在,then....Thus,....For example, XX. Therefore, from the stand point of XX, it is .....


Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should focusmore on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather thanon hiring famous teachers. (2015.10.24)如果选择大学要更注重基础设施建设的话,就是设施对于学校额重要性。有了这些设施,老师和学生都可以进行更多的学术研究与学习。如果有的话老师和学生就可以获得更多的学术成就了。

Facilitation is an essential factor inacademic behavior of both students and teachers. Without those infrastructures,the lack of study resources can have a major impact on academic behavior,resulting in a negative effect on academic achievement. However, if there wereenough facilitatorsthen students are more likely to dig for the information they areinterested and teachers, including professors and tutors, are likely to obtainmore accomplishment. Thus,it is extremely necessary for universities to devotefund in facilitators. For example, the installation of computers not onlyenables those students access to the latest information regarding their majorbut aslo allows those professors to update their discoveries. Therefore, fromthe stand point of better schooling result, it is inevitable for theuniversities to lay more emphasis on basic


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