小编:袁龙 1420Task 1
The diagram shows the stages of processingcocoa beans.
该题考察的是cocoa beans的加工过程,分成了三个步骤:采摘,加工,制作。可以参考雅思真题中“水泥、混凝土的加工过程”一题。
1. 流程图body段首句要写“The … productioninvolves the following stages.”作为总起句。
2. 在流程图的写作中严格按照顺序写,不要遗漏任何关键信息;同时注意“之后”一词的应用。
3. 在单向流程图的结尾处,写完最后一个步骤之后,注意加一句”, and the process is finished.”(同理,如果是循环类,要加入”, and another cycle begins again.)
4. 要注意被动句的使用以及切忌使用祈使句!
Task 2
Some people think that in order to continueimproving the quality of high school education, students should be encouragedto evaluate and criticize their teachers, while others assume this could resultin the loss of respect and dignity for teachers. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.
Nowadays education quality is very low. Some peoplethink we should encourage our students to evaluate and criticize theirteachers. Others believe that it will result in a loss of respect anddiscipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people think that children should obey therules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people thinkthat children controlled too much cannot deal with problems themselves. Discussboth views and give your own opinion.
(背景引入+转述观点)现如今,很多学校将学生对老师的评估视为保证教学质量的方式之一(the evaluation of students is a way to improve the quality ofeducation),但是同时也有人认为这是对老师的不尊重(disrespect)。(提出个人观点)我认为,只要学生的评价是公正的(objective),鼓励学生来评价老师不失为一种很好的方式,同时也是必要的。
Body1 支持的原因 1(evaluation)
现在存在一种现象,有些老师未能充分了解学生的需求(take the demands of the students into consideration thoroughly),所以通过学生的回馈(feedback)能够帮助老师了解学生在学习过程中真正的需求是什么。这样,通过学生对老师的evaluation,老师与学生之间的联系(bonds)也能更加亲密,能够更好的传达知识,达到教育预期的目的(reach the expected goal/expectation)。
Body2 支持的原因 2(criticism)
即使是老师,也会在教学过程中犯错。如果学生能够及时指出老师的错误,对老师予以批评(criticism),不仅能帮助老师再次犯同样的错误(save the teachers from making the same slips again),还能帮助老师提升课程的质量(upgrade the teaching syllabus)。(举例子)缺乏经验的老师(less-experienced teachers)经常容易犯错,通过批评的方式能够帮助他们更快的提升。
Body3 反对的原因(分析:中文讲,“爱其师,信其道”。也就是讲,学生要喜欢这个老师,能更好地学习这门课。所以可以从这个角度去考虑。)
反对的原因主要在于很多的评估和批评并不是很客观(objective)。有些学生不喜欢某一老师,并不是因为教学方面,或许只是因为性格(personality)。所以,在评估的过程中对老师的评价多半是带有情感的(with emotions)或者说是带有偏见的(prejudiced),甚至有些学生会使用一些攻击性词汇(defensive words)来诋毁(defame)老师。而,这样的反馈不能帮助学校来评估一个老师的真实能力,久而久之,恶性循环(a vicious circle)就开始了。
出于学习的目的(for the sake ofimproved learning)来评估和批评老师是合情合理的(canbe justified)。但是,学生也应该表示出对老师的尊重(show respect for the teachers)。尊重缺失将是百害而无一利的。