小编:朱丁琦 139自从2015年9月ACT宣布将写作进行改革以后,每次提起写作,许多考生就一脸懵: 怎么题目突然从我们熟悉的议论式文体变成了对三个话题的讨论?
Preparing for the Future
The future is uncertain. Some go to great lengths to command greater control of their environment and surroundings to gain a greater sense of predictability. In the end, what tomorrow brings can never be guaranteed. Then why do we devote so much time and effort preparing for it? Why not enjoy the present? As no one is guaranteed a certain outcome of the future, it's worth examining the value we place on planning the future.
Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the impact of the trend towards preparing for the future.
Perspective One
We shouldn't waste our youth on a future that is unpredictable. Instead, we should enjoy every opportunity in our daily life.
Perspective Two
The future is uncertain.It is exactly why the preparation for the future at present is valuable.It reduces risk.
Perspective Three
Our future unfolds according to a simple fate.Our planning for the future is to create a comfortable illusion of life.
Are you kidding me?
其实诸位考生大可不必惊慌, 不就是三个话题咩?三生三世都不怕还怕神马捏~
辣么,今天我们就来看一下写作题目。 仔细看题,不难发现其实题干部分可以分为三个部分:第一部分考试索要讨论的话题;第二部分相关话题的背景知识;第三部分是真正讨论的题目。仔细看考察观点,第一个是为未来准备是没有必要的,也就是对该事持有否定态度;第二个观点是要为未来做准备,赞成讨论的话题;第三个观点则是未来不是由一个因素所决定的,属于比较实际功利的观点。
Write a unified, coherent essay about the impact of the trend towards preparing for the future. In your essay, be sure to:
o clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective
o develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples
o organize your ideas clearly and logically
o communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English
Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of those given, in partial agreement, or completely different.
转头再看看题目要求:Evaluate Every Perspective ,也就是评价每一个话题,也就是说可以完全同意完全不同意部分同意部分不同意;因此在审题时可以完全可以使用某一种套路这样的审题方式在很多时候可以快速有效地将题干信息解析。
比如Perspective One
We shouldn't waste our youth on a future that is unpredictable. Instead, we should enjoy every opportunity in our daily life.题干其实可以理解为因为我们不能把青春浪费在未知的青春上所以我们应该享受每一天。如果同意该观点根本就是证明因果关系存在性,如果不同意就可以从原因不成立或者原因成立但是结果不成立上进行论证。
Perspective Two
The future is uncertain.It is exactly why the preparation for the future at present is valuable.It reduces risk.
Perspective Three
A person's future unfolds according to a simple fate. Working hard and planning can make people feel comfortable by having an illusive control.
原因:我们的未来并不由一个简单原因而定; 后果:做准备只能是一种心理慰藉。
这样一看, 这些题目其实就是因果关系的表达,也就是说如果要论证该观点的正确性,那么就是只要证明未来是不确定---谁都没有办法预测未来一定发生好或者不好的事情。
而观点三中的未来不是由一个简单原因决定的不是更加明确的吗? 人的未来是由个人环境还有外在的多种因素决定的:自己的精神变化,外界环境的变化,相处关系的变化,客观条件的变化。
这个套路,说白了就是都讨论每一个观点的可行性,然后进行让步即可。 因此考试拿到话题不要慌乱,跟着套路走,就能够很快知道将话题分解开来,然后找出相关的例子即可。