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小编:长安 176

  本季度的口语考题已经更新,这次的考题,有不少都是老题回归。本季雅思口语part 1共出现12个新话题,part 2共24个新话题。总体上由以前考过的相关话题进行改编,或将曾经考过的话题进行升级。

  【PART ONE原题重现】

  【PART TWO新题回顾】

  【PART TWO保留题回顾】

  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1:整体来看,除了3个必考的话题,Part1部分新题旧题各占半壁江山。并且有一些新题也属于老题回归,如tea or coffee这个话题就在前几年的考试中出现过。有的同学碰到这类问题感到没有话说,其实beverage这类的话题我们可以往weather或者sports这两方面扩展,回归到我们熟悉的话题中去也是拓展思路的好方法,对于part 1 考题拓展方面可以沿袭前期备考的技巧,比如变换时态,灵活运用现在完成,现在进行,一般过去和一般将来等几个时态,为拓展思路做好语言方面的储备。

  Part 2: Part2人物类(5新3旧),物品类(2新3旧),地点类(11新11旧),事件类(6新8旧)话题 . 短期备考的学员应该注意话题的合并手段,以及评分标准相对应的采分技巧的刻意练习。长期备考的学员在学习和运用备考话题技巧的同时,注意话题特征的差异化处理.

  Part 3:Part3是针对Part2话题的延伸,是偏向于社会化和普遍化的问题,更注重抽象问题的考察。在回答问题的过程中一定要注意自己的逻辑性。常用的因果逻辑词伙应该积累和灵活运用。




  The special food I am fancy into is zongzi, a traditional food when people in China eat during the period of Dragon Boat Festival.

  The story behind this traditionally crafted food is about a patriotic person, Quyuan, who drowned himself as a protest against being falsely accused of treason. To protect his corpus from being torn down by  fish in the river, people casted zongzi into the river and years after years this custom has been passed on generation by generation, and now we eat zongzi to celebrate this festival and to be in memory of him.

  Cooking zongzi is both simple and complicated. This is because people only have to uses leaves of bamboo to wrap sticky rice, which is mixed with meat, red dates or salted egg yolk and then steam for 30 minutes before taking them out and put into cold water for its better flavor, but it is rather difficult for a green hand to warp the rice perfectly.

  It was a family tradition to eat zongzi cooked by my grandma, when we were young, but Now she has passed away and I can't eat anymore. For me, song is is not only a tra-ditional Chinese food, but also remind me of my grandma and her love for us all.

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