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2019年5月4日雅思口语Part 1-3真题点评



小编:长安 393

  苏州环球教育牛倩老师发现本次雅思考试过后陆陆续续已经出现了不少了的新题,再过一到两周新题将会全都收集。口语part1部分有出现perfume这个新题,相对来说难度不是很小;在part2部分, 新题中有物品类的water sports, TV program, 事件类 a time you got incorrect information, a time you got up very early(16年旧题重考)等。


  Part 1:part1的必考题几乎每一场都会出现, work和study提问的频率比较高,可以提前适当准备,新题部分也不要紧张,只要平时把题库里的题目练的比较熟练的情况下,即使是新题,也能够应对自如,按照上课讲的回答的步骤进行回答,还是能够得到一个比较中肯的成绩。

  Part 2:换题季中,同学们最怕的就是part2的新题。但是其实,大部分的新题都是根据老题的一些思路拓展了一部分,或者从老题的一个主线发展了一个新的小点。

  其实,这些看似新题的话题,都能够从老题的内容中得到非常多有用的信息和资料。只要平时有练习,考试的时候沉着冷静,有个大致的思路是能够发挥出的。今天要分析的water sport其实和以前part1/part2的运动类话题有很多相似之处。具体请看sample answer分析。

  Part 3:part3部分,本身在考试中就是一个提分的部分。并且,题库中的part3并不说一定就会涉及到。现今很多考官都会随机问问题。所以,我们平时一定要多总结观点,进行辩证思维。多多累积词汇,课堂上注意回答的技巧并且利用相应的练习,考试时候正常发挥即刻。这部分对于冲6.5+以上的同学要求会比较高奥。


  Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

  What it is

  When you would like to try

  What you do in this sport

  And why you would like to try



  这是一道物品类的话题,要求描述一个未来想要尝试的一个水上运动。关于水上运动,很多同学第一反应就是scuba diving,或者是浮潜 snorkeling。这两种水上活动相对都是比较熟悉的。所以,我们今天就回用snorkeling进行sample ansewer 的讲解。因为,有部分同学是有这种体验经历的。


  Holidaymaker 度假者

  An upcoming trip 即将到来的旅行

  Fully-equipped snorkeling gear 完善的浮潜装备

  Diving mask 潜水镜

  Swim fins 脚蹼

  A shaped breathing tube called snorkel 通气管

  Offshore area 近岸地区

  Beneath the ocean's surface 海面之下

  Observe underwater attractions 观察水下吸引人的景象




  Well, actually,I am not familiar with aquatic sports. but the one called snorkeling is today's main target. In fact, I have been to some tropical places. So, I have seen holiday makers experience snorkeling in offshore areas. In addition, my bosom friends LEE has tried this practice years ago. And she expressed a thrilled feeling to me. That's the reason why I have a strong awareness to try this sport.

  For the sport itself, it's a golden time to observe underwater attractions with fully equipped snorkeling gear, such as swim fins, diving mask, a shaped breathing tube called snorkel. Especially,in southeast Asia, there are some great holiday resorts which serve this newly water sport to tourists. Holiday makers have great expanses of blue ocean waters and some living coral reefs.

  Personally, I prefer try this sport in an upcoming trip in Phuket Island where it is a Thailand hot destination among Chinese young people. Unfortunately, I am not able to swim well in open water. so, I have to practice more about swim skills before I pay a visit to Thai in this summer holiday.

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