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小编:小雅 99


Describe how to best study English

    Well, I've been asked to talk about how to study English. Well, I'm not sure I'm the best one to talk about this topic since I am just a learner myself, but I will try to give some suggestions based on my own experience.

    I advise you first to know what your goals are and your budget. I don't advise you to go out and spend so much on English books and other things until you know clearly what you want to learn and for what purpose. I mean, if its just conversational English you want to learn, then concentrate on getting communication-style resources. But if you are more interested in studying for a test like this one then it may be best to focus on the types of topics you may be asked. I think you should explore all the various options first. Some my be quite cheap-for example, listening to CRI or English television is free of charge, while other options are more expensive-for example, taking an intensive course at a language school. My own opinion is that you should probably study English in the morning or in the early evening. In other words, try to study it when you first get up because you'll feel more alert at that time. Trying to study English in the afternoon is like trying to drink a beer in the morning. Somehow it just doesn't seem to fit.

    When you do get what resources you need, I advise you to begin with a good sound base in English. One regret I have in learning English is that I never developed this sound base. I developed a visual base first, and then later had to develop my listening and pronunciation. I would work primarily on listening at first. I wouldn't force you to speak too early because the experience will be too frustrating, as I found out. Once you do build up your listening, start talking and writing, and then finally do a lot of reading, which will help your English a lot at the latter stages.

    I think it's important to remember that we don't learn language in any linear way. Also, it is not so simple to say, "the more words you remember the more you can produce." There is a relationship between memory and language, but it is not the only aspect. Creativity and experience using it are equally as important.


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