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小编:小雅 128
摘要:Gender discrimination still exists in many aspects worldwide. A representative example is that some employers prefer recruiting males to females


  Gender discrimination still exists in many aspects worldwide. A representative example is that some employers prefer recruiting males to females. Some people argue that the company should accept the same number of men and women. Personally, the benefits outnumber its drawbacks.


  As is stated in law, female workers possess the same rights as males do. Therefore, they are supposed to be treated equally at work. In the past decade or so, employers discriminated against women job seekers. Nowadays, most of them have noticed that gender discrimination is banned by the labor law, so this shows their respect for gender equality and for the law.

  2. 男女搭配,干活儿不累

  Another reason contributing to my argument is that cooperation between male and female works as a catalyst for job accomplishment. There is scientific evidence suggesting that males and females tend to take different approaches for problem-solving. For instance, …

  Another reason contributing to my argument is that cooperation between male and female works as a catalyst for job accomplishment. There is scientific evidence suggesting that males and females tend to take different approaches for problem-solving. For instance, males are more creative and have better stress resilience. By contrast, female workers are more discreet and patient. So, working together goes a long way when dealing with certain problems at work.

  3. 让步-反驳

  From a practical perspective, some jobs which need greater patience and communication skills, such as primary teaching and nursing jobs, may be more suitable for women, while physically demanding jobs like firefighting and cargo delivery may be well-completed by men. However, with the application of automatic equipment, the gender gap has greatly narrowed. More and more women will be competent in the jobs which are originally suitable for men with the help of it.

  In conclusion, it seems to me that a gender-balanced organization is more likely to achieve success. Employers should give male and female candidates equal rights so as to improve gender balance of staff members. 更多雅思备考信息,请关注苏州环球教育学校

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