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小编:环球教育 227


  In some societies, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might the parental role develop in the future?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.






  范文Model answer

  Introduction (背景句加文章写作结构安排)

  Two to three centuries ago, fathers’ roles were primarily to serve asbreadwinners (n. 养家糊口的人) and the conveyers of moral values (道德观的输送者) and religious education to their children, while mothers tended to spend more of their time directly caring for the offspring (n. 后代) through feeding. How and why the differences between being a mother and father exist will first be discussed in this essay, followed by analysis on what future parental roles might become.

  Body paragraph 1 (阐述两个偏差成因)

  The current main reason for this difference is that the perception (n. 感知;看法) of a mother and a father differentiates (v. 区分;差别) due to regional and cultural varieties (区域和文化差异). Historically, men frompatriarchal societies(父系社会) hold positions of power: heads of the family unit, leaders of social groups, bosses in the workplace, and heads of government. This collectively held view (这个普遍的观点) has been strongly influencing the role of a mother and father for hundreds of years and although such traditional definition has been criticised (v. 批判) for years, in some Asian countries (e.g. China, Japan, and India), a mother is still considered as nurturing role (抚育角色) and is instilled (v. 逐渐灌输) with ideas that they should focus on the housework and children’s family education while a father should earn money, provide both love and strength, protection and physical security to the children and the family. The distinct (adj. 明显的;独特的) role differences in these societies are hard to change in the short term. Additionally, some recent studies revealed (vt. 透露;显示) that the different roles of mothers and fathers are influenced by genetics (n. 基因;遗传). Scholars showed how variation in where males and females put their parenting effort reflects different genetic influences for each sex.

  Body paragraph 2 (阐述未来发展趋势)

  In more recent decades, the changing economic role of women has greatly impacted the role of fathers. A study analysed that between 1948 and 2001, the percentage of working-age women employed or looking for work nearly doubled - from less than 33 percent to more than 60 percent. Their increase in financial power (财力) made paternal financial support less necessary for some families. In tandem with (串联) the growing autonomy (n. 自治;自主) and independence of women, related trends such as declining fertility (生育率下降), rising rates of divorce and remarriage (离婚与再婚率上升), and childbirth outside of marriage (婚外生育) have resulted in a transition (n. 过渡;转变) from traditional to multiple undefined roles for many fathers. Today’s fathers have started to take on roles vastly different from fathers of previous generations and either for mothers. We can expect these trends to continue and/or increase into the future. Society does not seem to want to define rigid gender roles within parenting anymore, especially with the rise in untraditional marriage forms (such as gay marriage) being legalised throughout the world where roles for each parent are not defined.

  Conclusion (总结文章主要观点+提出见解)

  In conclusion, two reasons, from the historical and cultural, and genetic studies – are discussed to try to explain the differences between a mother and father. However, I think no matter how the parenting style develops, the parents arestillobliged to (有责任去) contribute to their children’s health and well-being by maintaining a healthy relationship with the other parent even in cases of divorce; providing emotional and financial support, appropriate monitoring and discipline; and most importantly by remaining a permanent (adj. 永久的) andloving presence (爱的存在) in their lives.

  (512 words)


  · patriarchal societies:

  父系氏族社会。英语中Patriarchy可指父权、父权体制、家长制家长统治。在中文语境下通常并未严格区分三者,父权与家长统治、父权制/体制混用。探讨父权必须探讨权力的本质。父权与父权体制、父权思想、家长制等等名词常遭混用,在台湾书籍中也经常交互使用,然而仍有若干指涉重心上的差异。基本上,父权强调的是以特定性别为中心的权力运作形式;父权思想则是顺由权力运作模式所产生、以男性为中心的思想;父权体制则指涉父权这种权力运作发展出完善的政经社文制度以持续父权的运作与优越地位。至于家长制则是比较具争议性的翻译。肇因于英文本身顺应各国民情而国内会顺应当地文化而翻作家长制,然而家长在中文词性上具有相对中立的词性。事实上英文所指涉的无疑的就是父权的家父长制,然而家长制此一翻译忽略了性别意涵。在一个父权社会里,一个大家族的家族领袖会是一个男性长老实行其威权专制,或者从这点扩展出去,一个社会的统治阶级或政府是由年长的男性来主导。有人认为,如同母权,严谨的父权体制并不存在。 父权是指当男性在某个社会结构中占有相对的支配地位。在一个父权社会里,一个大家族的家族领袖会是一个男性长老实行其威权专制,或者从这点扩展出去,一个社会的统治阶级或政府是由年长的男性来主导。如同母权,目前人类社会并不存在严谨定义的父权体制,权力的变换是交替的。注意即使是父权体制也会有相当凄惨的男性出现,他们甚至被选择性的遗忘。


  Too much emphasis has been put on going to university for academic study. We should encourage more people to receive vocational training because of the needs for tradespeople like plumbers (n. 水管工) and electricians (n. 电工). To what extent do you agree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.





  范文Model answer

  Introduction (背景句加文章写作目的)

  In recent decades, it has become almost required for young people to go onto higher education at universities. However, although it has long been a government objective to reach the current level of university attendance, there is a school of thought (一种观点) which says that the government is now educating too many young people to degree level and that those same youngsters, and the job market, would be better served by a greater focus on vocational training. I think people should make decisions based on their strengths, interests andpersonal preferences (个人偏好).

  Body paragraph 1 (大学教育原因及过渡)

  Some students are clearly suited to (适合于) the academic route (学术路线) of a university degree, and if they have a particular career in mind which demands thislevel of qualification (资格水平), then they should receive every encouragement to follow their chosen path. University offers an academic experience. University education provides students with broad knowledge and basic skills to serve as the foundation for further learning and on-the-job training. However, some suspect that an academic education exploresthe theoretical and hypothetical(理论和假设的东西), but is not necessarily practical, realistic or directly useful.

  Body paragraph 1 (职业教育原因)

  Vocational training has a distinctly different educational focus as it is aimed at delivering practical, job specific skills. By pursuing (v. 追逐;接受) a technical-vocational education, firstly, different levels of courses should teach students the specialized and practical job-related knowledge and skills they need to know to perform a particular job role. Vocational training has expanded beyond the scope of trades to encompass industries (超出商业范围扩大到产业) such as information technology, tourism, retail, cosmetics, healthcare, childcare, management and business. Second, learners are often more in-line (adj. 内嵌的;嵌入的) with the job market needs leading to increased employment. For example, in some Latin American countries, data show that at least in the graduate’s first years, technical graduates usually have better employment opportunities than university graduates, especially in the context of recent economic reactivation (经济复苏).

  Conclusion (总结文章主要观点)

  In conclusion, after examining the pros and cons of pursuing a university degree or a course of vocational training. With inconclusive (adj. 不确定的) results over which type of education is better for lifetime success, I think much of it comes down to personal choice, career aspirations, and talent. However, we cannot ignore a fact that employers are increasingly requesting a greater element of vocational training be introduced alongside academic studies.

  (367 words)


  · the theoretical andhypothetical: 英语中形容词是可以做名词使用的。但是其实真正的秘密是:the+形容词表示形容词对应的名词这种用法其实是省略了形容词后面的名词啊啊啊啊!所以这句话其实是省略了things, topics等等等等东西的。

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