小编:Linda 127都说考场如战场,环球教育(原环球教育)小编告诉你如何迅速在雅思写作考场上构建文章结构:
首先在真题分析中看看具体如何构建,话题:住房紧缺在大城市会造成很多严重的问题,有的人认为只有政府的行动能解决这个问题,你对于这个观点持何态度? 通过审题,我们可以对正文的结构做如下安排,先写一段让步段,承认题干的论点的合理性即“government action can combat this problem”,再举两个反例,即两段反对意见,除了政府政策外,人们对房子的观念(people’s awareness)以及一些房产公司的举措对解决这个问题都有决定性的作用(key determinant)。通过上述brainstorming, 我们可以写出全篇文章的框架:
从原因着手,引出话题:城市住房短缺。Introduction: As a growing number of people find their jobs in urban areas, the increasingly severe housing problem becomes the focus of public.
阐述第一个观点,即题干给出的观点,政府政策能有效缓解住房短缺。Main body 1: It is granted that government action plays a pivotal role in combating housing shortage as a range of policies issued by government have alleviated the thorny problem, such as the construction of satellite towns around the city.
指出人们对房子的观念和态度需转换,这对解决问题也有促进作用。Main body 2: However, on no account can we lose sight of the essential part performed by individuals, a portion of whom are suggested to change their concept and attitude towards housing.
阐述一些房产公司的举措也能起缓解作用。Main body 3: Besides, as key determinant, profit-oriented companies of real estate are advised to adopt effective steps, including building high-rise apartment, to use land economically in urban areas.最后,三方共同作用,才能解决住房短缺的问题。Conclusion: Overall, the government, the housing-related companies, and the individuals as well all play a determinant role in resolving the housing shortage.
看了真题的分析,再结合小编的意见总结和整理,在近几年的雅思写作真题中,有一些题目可以将其归为一类,他们的明显特征是,题目中会出现形容词最高级,only等语气非常绝对的词汇,通常它的问题模式都是To what extent do you agree or disagree。过于绝对的命题显然是站不住脚的,但是又不是全部否定,所以针对这类题型,建议考生可以用让步法来解决此类题目。即正文分两或三段,在正文第一段先承认题目中的观点,再在后两段举一到两个反例。这样的结构构建又清晰又快捷。