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雅思口语话题party gifts for guests



小编:小雅 183
摘要:I think cookies are a great party gifts for guests. You can personalize the cookies to fit any occasion.

今天,环球教育(原环球教育)苏州分校为各位雅思考生带来雅思口语话题party gifts for guests,主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析,希望可以帮助各位雅思考生轻松备考雅思。雅思口语的提高更多的还是在于平时的多说多练,这样才能提高口语能力和水平,这样才能在考试的时候不紧张,发挥自己的水平,并且流利自如的表达自己的想法。

  Topic: party gifts for guests给客人们的派对礼物

  雅思口语话题party gifts for guest Sample 1:

   I think cookies are a great party gifts for guests. You can personalize the cookies to fit any occasion. For a baby shower, cut cookies in the shape of a duck or baby carriage then wrap in colored cellophane. If the party gift is for a child's party, make several different Sesame Street Characters and allow each child to pick a cookie to take home with them.

  雅思口语话题party gifts for guest Sample 2:

   Well, in my opinion ,give your party guests a a can cooler, also called a Koozie, to take home with them. Can coolers are very inexpensive to buy and are quite useful. You can personalize them to match the theme of your party. For example, if you are have a Halloween party, print "Happy Halloween" on them. Can coolers are also great for teenagers to use to keep their sodas cool.

  雅思口语话题party gifts for guest Sample 3:

   I think that a bag of goodies is an easy gift to organize. Set up a chocolate bar or a sweets bar near the exit of the wedding reception. Provide boxes or bags for the guests to fill with goodies to take home. You can have the names and the wedding date printed on the boxes if you want to. This kind of favor saves you time, because you don't have to make the individual favors.

   Another option is a keepsake for each guest. This could be a small picture frame with a word that symbolizes the marriage on it, chopsticks with the date of the wedding stamped on them or a cookie cutter set. 更多雅思备考信息,请关注苏州环球教育学校

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