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小编:长安 196




  【作文题目】The table shows the number of motor vehicles per 1000 inhabit-ants in 8 countries in 1990 and 2000.





  【作文题目】New technologies change the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages of these  changes outweigh the disadvantages?




  关于介绍段,是否一定要抛出你的立场,1)和3)需要抛出立场,而2)可以不抛出立场,但是你的中心思想是否是为了立场?不是,你的中心思想的目的是为回应任务--分析利弊,对于有经验的writer 来说,你的介绍段最后一个句子,可以说这个现象有利弊;主体段,讨论利弊;最后一段,再给出明确的立场。



  Traditionally, the minors have always been able to do outdoor activities. However, the new technological devices greatly alter how they spend their leisure time in modern times. Some educationalists have suggested that this modern development has largely detrimental impacts on children, in spite of some seemingly positive ones.

  The most obvious argument against this development is that this may jeopardize their academic performance. If the kids spend loads of time on the smart phones, pads or laptops, they may become indulged in social applications, such as Wechat and micro video apps, or video games, featured with upgrading their gears to achieve the highest level. This may reduce their time that is supposed to be spent on valuable experiences, such as reading in the library or taking a nap, thus hampering their performance at school. Additionally, even when they use the devices /gears to study in their leisure time, the inaccuracy of the information brought by the technological change may undo the gains at school, which lowers their efficiency of learning at school.

  Furthermore, this practice could also damage their physical condition. Long time expo-sure to technological devices, whether it be TV sets, smart phones or computer screens,  means that they are maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. If they are after school, where one can find them is usually before the screen, so that they may be subject to lower immune ability and neck and back pain. Unlike outdoor activities their parents do, these indoor activities are impeding health level.

  However, there are certainly positive outcomes. It is using these innovative devices that allows them to have access to information and knowledge in a variety of fields. The re-sult of this is that they are more broad-mined and more equipped with general knowledge than their parents who cannot use the devices. However, these advantages are conditional and short-term based and cannot be ensured unless supervision on how they use the devices is implemented.

  Anything that encourages a sedentary lifestyle and inactive mind may negatively influ-ence a child's development and early exposure to technological devices may be the primary blame. The imperative now is that they should be restricted in term of how and when to use such devices to place the drawback of technological changes on them un-der control.

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