小编:长安 313 2月18号的雅思写作考题,环球教育杨亮老师在撰写作文时有了一个新的尝试,改变了一下之前雅思作文的框架。
Some people argue that the development of technology is making our lives too complex, and the solution is for everyone to accept a simpler way of life without using that technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170218
Our life is being changed overwhelmingly at every second by the advancement of technology. As a result some people begin to cry out that technology puts our life into an extremely complex situation, and hereby the solution to fix this is also what the public are concerned about.
To begin with, there is no one who can deny the convenience brought by usage of technology in our life. Technology makes things that people thought impossible in the past come into being: people buy things nowadays without going out of their home by online shopping; modern means of transport carries people from one side of this planet to the other side every day.
On the other hand, complexity is unavoidable. People’s social circle is substantially extended, which is to say that people in this present-day society need to deal with relationship with far more people than ever before. On top of this, with electronic devices that people have to use to enjoy a modern lifestyle being updated all the time, people have to absorb rather much information to stick with latest versions.
Consequently, pessimists to technological development suggest that people should give up using technology in our life, and instead a simple and easy life is what people ought to enjoy. Actually, without utilization of technology, people’s life must be in a big mess. Getting rid of primitive lifestyle is why people have plenty of technology. No people can stop driving their cars due to the possibility of car accidents. Eventually, what people are really doing is using technology to make our cars safer.
In conclusion, technology is not only what gives us complexity but also what we are able to utilize to make our life easier and better.