小编: 160【综合点评】
【PART ONE原题重现】
必考题 | Name Hometown Accommodation Work/study | |||
高频 话题 | Crowds Movies Tea/coffee Transport Shoes Sky Sleep Pet Holidays Music Stars Sports Colors Cooking | Patience Cities Handwriting Paintings Park Morning routine Sunglasses Drink water Sharing Photos Emails Weather | Teacher Plants Foreign food Gift |
【PART TWO原题重现】
人物类 | Describe a a teenager you know Describe someone who you think is beautiful or handsome Describe a role model of you Describe an old person you find interesting Describe an intelligent person Describe a person who protects environment Describe someone you want to study/work with Describe an interesting person you would like to meet |
地点类 | Describe a public facility that improves local environment Describe an ideal house Describe a place where you can study Describe a city you find interesting or beautiful Describe an interesting part in your country Describe a place far from you that you want to travel to |
物品类 | Describe a book you want to write Describe a handmade gift you received that made you happy Describea kind of food that people eat on special event Describe an item you bought but rarely use Describe a foreign language you would like to learn Describea you grandparent’s job Describe a childhood game Describe a piece of good news you recenetly heard online Describe a historical period you are interested in Describe a subject you ddin;t have interst before but find important now Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn Describe a film or tv program that made you laugh Describe something you borrowed from friends or families Describe something that was given to you and you really needed Describe an important plant in your country |
事件类 | Describe a time when you received a bad service Describe a time when you help sb find sth he/she lost Describe a friend’s success that you are proud of Describe a complaint you made and satisfied with the result Describe an outdoor sport you tried for the first time Describe a free day off study/work Describe sth you did that keep you healthy Describe an important decision made with the help of others Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth Describe a time when you didn’t have enough time Describe a party you attended |
【Part 1-3真题点评】
Part 1:
第一部分的问题多为“简单问题”simple questions。不需要像第三部分那样,或者像议论文那样讲得条条是道,注意语言运用的自然性。同时,也不需要过长的答案,每道题平均能回答3句话左右就可以了。太多的回答可能会被打断。part 1的具体问题虽然很多,但可以凭借题库这一神器来随时准备。
Part 2:
Part 3:
这一部分是深入讨论,要求考生分析某种现象的原因或者表达观点。可以适当借用一些写作相关表达,当然,能够提出自己的独到见解是非常棒的。 由于这一部分个别题目可能比较抽象,建议考生在平时训练的时候多练习逻辑思维,敢于不“循规蹈矩”。
Describe a historical period you are interested in You should say: What it was; When it was What happened during this period; And explain why you are interested in this period. |
思路 | 历史题的介绍其实并不考察学生对于对于历史了解的一个专业程度,是时间上,历史事件的描述上可以只选取大概的范围,重点挑选1-2个具有代表性的时间讲述清楚即可,注意可以适当描述自己的角度出发为何对这个时间有兴趣。 |
词汇 | Be into 喜欢 Be amazed by 被吸引 |
语法 | 注意时态上过去时的使用较多,且可以多样化一些 |
If I’m being completely honest with you, history is not my strong suit. But I guess I would say I’ve always been fascinated with Tang Dynasty which is the most flourishing period in ancient China, ruling the nation for like 300 years. Actually, it was from my history class in primary school that I gained my first knowledge about this fantastic historical period. Back then, our history teacher was an old man taking small steps, like a strong wind could whisk him up to the clouds. His class tended to be so mind-numbingly boring and we were just expected to memorize those facts and figures. But I did learn one thing about Tang Dynasty, that is, it’s the beginning of the silk road, which is an interconnected route among nations, building the trade from Chang’an to middle east. Later on, after I watched documentary and some tv drama, I got to grow my fondness of this historical period. , the reason of which is that it’s a trendsetter especially in terms of the cultural exchange and foreign trade. E.g. thanks to the silk road, many spices and tea leaves got introduced to ancient China and we got to export our silk and china to other neighbouring exotic lands. This was something that later emperor failed to attach importance to and that is what made Tang Dynasty so magnificent in the long run of Chinese history. |