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小编:环球教育 241

  Today people are surroundedby many kinds of advertisingand this is having anincreasing effect on our lives. Do the positiveeffects outweigh the negative effects?

  Givereasons for your answer and include anyrelevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write atleast 250 words.





  范文Model answer

  Introduction (背景句+转述题目+个人倾向)

  Advertisements have become one of the crucial factors thatdetermines the style and functioning of one’s life in different contexts. Theforce of advertising reaches out and touches everyone living and working in themodern world today. Advertising is claimed by its practitioners(n. 实践者) to be largely responsible forthe good things in life and is criticized(v. 批判;批评) by its opponents (n. 反对者) as the cause of unpleasant things. For me, advertisingnowadays brings more negative influences to the public and strongly affects ourdaily lives.

  Body paragraph 1 (两个积极影响)

  There can be identified two main reasons why advertising exerts a positive influence (产生积极影响) on the daily life. First,advertising makes people (children and youngsters in particular) aware of thenew products available in the market. This increases their knowledge about thelatest innovations (n. 创新), in the field of technology aswell as otherwise. Second, public serviceadvertisements (缩写为PSA,公益广告), which are primarily designed to inform and educate thecommunity, help the audience build awareness of an issue or a cause. Forexample, PSA of a stop smoking campaign(戒烟运动) or abuckle-up seatbelt initiative (系紧安全带计划) can help raise the awareness of the public and thus providesome useful suggestions to improve people’s life quality and safety.

  Body paragraph 2 (消极影响1)

  However, the advertisement has some adverse effects (负面影响) on people. First, deceptive (adj. 欺诈的;迷惑的) and dramatized(adj. 夸张的) advertising may create a non-existent need (不存在的需求) and unrealisticexpectations (不切实际的期待) among consumers. Advertisements encourage people who arehard to make rational purchasing decisions(理性购买决定) to persuade themselves to buythe products shown in the commercials, whether useful or not. Some customersoften tend to misinterpret (vt. 曲解) the messages conveyed (v. 传达) in ads: they overlook the positive side and concentratemore on the negatives. This results in irrationalbuying behaviours (非理性购买行为) and wasted consumers’ money.

  Body paragraph 3 (消极影响2)

  Second, people now live in an era of information explosionand advertising is an important component of this. More recent research hasdemonstrated that more than a half advertising today is spinning out of control (失控), while the public is still beingforced to watch, listen or view. An empiricalexample (实证案例研究) has confirmed that while being on their daily journey towork or school, people are unable to ignore those posters, banners or someonewho is trying to sell or inform them of something. How to filter (vt. 过滤) those useless information became a perplexing (adj. 复杂的) problem.

  Conclusion (总结文章主要观点+重述个人倾向)

  In conclusion, the impact of advertising on the society andour daily lives is a fiercely (adv. 猛烈地,激烈地) debated topic. Although someargue that consumers can find new and useful product information or even learnsomething from the advertising, I still think the modern society is inundated with (充斥着) too much advertising, and manyadvertisements have been enticing(vt. 引诱;诱骗) and shaping and even creating consumerism (n. 用户至上主义) and needs where there has beennone before, or turning luxuries (n. 奢侈品) into necessities.


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