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小编:小雅 154



1)I wasn't born yesterday, but you scared me to death.( I wasn't bornyesterday. 我已经不是小孩子了。)

2)I am just a kid but I am watching a thriller.( thriller 惊悚片)


1)This isn't a real-life in the country

2)City folks have a real-life


Individuals capable of learning are easily influenced and constantlyinterested in anything related to their profession. Moreover, the overalllearning ability is to create and allow as many opportunities as possible forlearning.


标准版:Many admire you for the life you lead. The one you are admiring may beadmiring you now.

口语版:There's a list of people you admire, but they admire you for what yougot.

销魂版:You think the grass is greener on their side of the fence. Little doyou know they yours.


标准版:When you're going through up times, follow Chinese wisdom to makethings complex; during down times, borrow from the American tendency to makethings simple.  

简版:If it goes well, simplify it like Americans; it doesn't, make itcomplicated as Chinese.


标准版:You don't need to dwell on your temperament. Because it mirrors the'real-you', your experiences, your knowledge and your mindset, it'll always bethere. Don't give it a second thought.  

口语版:You don't have to care about charisma. Coz it makes who you are andwhat you are, what you got and what you got in mind. It's there. Don't thinkabout it!


标准版1:It is hugely irresponsible to yourself to go with the flow withoutchecking where it leads you.  

标准版2:If you swim with the tide, having little or no direction, you willnever hold yourself accountable.(swim with the tide 随波逐流;hold sb. accountable对某人负责)  

口语版:If you follow the herd, it would get you nowhere.


标准版:Every dog has its day. As long as you are not hopelessly low, therewill always be a girl of questionable taste waiting for you around thecorner.  

演绎版:Any man has the chance to sweep any woman off her feet only if he gotthe right broom. / unless he got no broom.  (sweep sb. off one's feet 把某人扫倒,让某人倾心,倾倒;broom 扫帚 ,一语双关,也表方法,办法。)  

口语版:There's always a girl who would meet you for a blind date only ifyou're good for something.  (blind date 相亲)


When taking selfies, we are hopingthat more surfers 'like' ourappearance.(surfers 网民 ;'like' 点赞)  

While shooting food, we hope friends and peers will think we are leadingideal lives.(friends and peers 朋友和同龄人)  

While shouting from the rooftops about how in love we are, we fear thatothers don't appreciate that we,previously starving for love, finally found ahome.  

(shout from the rooftops 站在屋顶喊,炫耀某事;fear 怕,生怕;starving for love 缺爱;find ahome 找到了归宿)  

While pouring out our hearts, we are seeking expressions of sympathy fromothers that bring comfort.  (pour out our hearts 倾诉心声;seek expressions of sympathy 寻求同情; bring comfort送来安慰)

10.迷茫的原因有两个: 第一,搞不清长期目标和短期目标; 第二,太闲

There are two reasons for bewilderment: the confusion between long-term andshort-term goals and / or an idle brain.  (注:An idle brain is the devil's workshop. 懒汉的脑子是魔鬼的工场。/ 游手好闲乃万恶之源。)

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