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小编:长安 163



  Part1:必考题依旧是work or study,accommodation,hometown,答题时注意设计一些词汇和语法上的亮点,一些同学总觉得好像是没有话聊,这个是一定要避免的。







  I want to talk about the anti-smoking law in my country. As we know, smoking is a bad habit with numerous detrimental impacts. Not a single benefit of smoking found until today and so Chinese government has made this law and now smoking is banned in all indoor public places.

  I came to know about the law from a newspaper article.  And it was widely discussed on social media. Most people in our country praised the regulation since it benefits the society as a whole.

  From my perspective, it is a good law for several reasons. For starters, it benefits both non-smokers and smokers. For people who don't smoke, it was troublesome to tolerate cigarette smoke in public transports and places like bus stops, theatre halls and other places covered by walls on four sides. As we know, a person who breathes in second hand smoke also takes in toxic chemicals, which may lead to some health disorders. But now with the release of this law, people who don't smoke are relieved to a great extent. For smokers, it is not that convenient to smoke, I mean, if they want to smoke, they may have to bear the cold wind in winter or the sweat and heat in summer, and they may cut back on their cigarettes. Also, we are aware that smoking can damage one's body and mind, so the government attempting to stop people from smoking is really appreciating.

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