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小编:长安 328


  在犯罪类的考试中,关于青少年罪犯应该如何被惩戒其实一直都是考题的范围,并且出现频率还不算低。但是,本次考试的题目是在相关老题的基础上,增加了限制。这需要考生们在审题的过程中格外的注意。显而易见,serious crimes(重罪)是本题的关键。


  Some young people commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violent attacks. Some people think they should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170506


  Whether minor criminals deserve the same punishment as adult convicts has been in the spotlight all over the world. However, this essay will prove that people should stop wavering between punishing these young criminals less seriously and imposing the same treatment to them, while discussing minor outlaws over 14 or 15 years old who violate laws severely. Namely, existence of different treatment between adult culprits and young offenders does not make much sense.

  这个开头段,比以往的开头段都长了很多。第一句是一个背景的介绍。第二句实则是点明原题,并且在第二句中将原题的young people重新定义了一下。第三句明确地表达了笔者的个人立场。相信这个立场可能和绝大部分的考生思路相悖,笔者这次又极端了。


  Initially, objectors assert that these young criminals might be instigated by others to commit crimes, and their subjectivity of breaking laws is relatively limited. Seemingly, they break the law unwillingly and involuntarily. In fact, most of felonies are committed premeditatedly with well-organized plans, and even schoolchildren can easily estimate severe outcomes of these serious crimes by common sense they have got from schooling and parenting. An instance in point is that there is no convincing evidence to show that minor criminals who robbed a supermarket with guns have less willingness to do so than an adult who does the same thing.


  Additionally, another standpoint these objectors hold is chances are that young culprits can be more easily remoulded. Nevertheless, the truth is that due to serious crimes those young culprits took part in, they are all sentenced to at least 8 or 10 years in prison. After serving their sentence in juvenile detention for 3 or 4 years, they of course would be transformed to ordinary jails because they become adults. Thereafter, their new cell mates might tell them that how they felt when they killed people they did not like. And the prisoner who they are weeding with could help them analyze why they need a shotgun for robbing a bank rather than a rifle. People could imagine what would happen if those young people return to our society after a few years.


  Forgiveness for wrong people is punishment for upright citizens, and consequently young people with unforgivable behaviors ought to be imposed same treatment as adults to let them know what the crime cost is.




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