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小编:长安 267



  In the past, people stored knowledge in books. However, people are storing knowledge on the internet. Do advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 20170330


  Internet technology is, to a great extent, updating all aspects of people’s life especially means of information storage. Hence, over the public there is the controversy whether storing knowledge by means based-on Internet is superior to traditional printed books.


  Primarily, the latest Internet technology makes it possible that a great deal of information can be stored by a tiny memory card. Instead, people had to build quite a few libraries and print millions of books in the past. The function of mass storage is what traditional books can never achieve. An instance in point is that people in recent years can put a small e-book reader in their pockets going everywhere they want, in which numerous books are available.


  Additionally, due to the advancement of related technology, currently knowledge can be preserved by multimedia means in forms of videos, audios, pictures and words. Admittedly, videos and audios can easily leave people more vivid impression, consequently enhancing people’s learning efficiency. By contrast, what paper books can store is only words and pictures, which are relatively monotonous and boring. This can perfectly explain why multimedia classrooms are rather prevalent in schools contemporarily.


  Ultimately, people can readily access information saved online through some search engines. What people need to do is type some key words and wait for less than a second. Nevertheless, looking for a book in a large-scale library is not an easy job. Furthermore, sometimes if someone likes to borrow a book from a library located in other cities, he needs to make a couple of phone calls and wait for a few weeks.


  Briefly, dissemination of knowledge is an essential step of civilization, and undoubtedly Internet technology contributes substantially to it. Printed books are doomed to be replaced by high-tech products, written in history sooner or later.



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