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小编:张丽娜 162

雅思口语话题A Successful Business Person


看得出,大家对马爸爸,那绝对都是真爱。可是,对于雅思考官来说,马爸爸的那些事儿,都已经差不多要听腻了。所以,单从新鲜度来说,JACK MA并不能帮到你,那么,还有什么成功的商人可讲啊?啊?啊?

很多童鞋一脸的悲愤和抓狂,为什么不能讲JACK MA?除了马爸爸,中国就没有其他成功的商人了哇?

其实很多你们喜欢的明星,都有自己的工作室,都已经是successful businessman 或者business woman 了。比如这个或者那个冰冰,比如姚明。因此,上个季度中的名人话题,可以直接拿过来改一下,作为这道题的答案。


成功商人的励志故事,相信大家都不陌生。诸如:白手起家(build from nothing/start bare-handed), 破除陈规,敢于创新(never stick in the mud/ first person to try tomato)。 成功之后,自然就会带来fortune & fame,就会成为媒体和大众关注的焦点(make headlines / become the focus of media attention), 往往那些越有名的人,越是低调和谦虚(stay humble & modest/ keep a low profile),所以你才会仰慕。这样整个故事就完整了。至于这个人具体姓甚名谁,并不是那么重要。


Speaking of a successful business person, it has to be my brother-in-law who's probably in his late 30s, but he looks much younger than his real age. He's a well-featured man who always wears a decent smile. I guess I could say that he's quite a lady killer. You know, almost everyone who knows him would say that he's a real gentleman.

He's a big shot in real estate business since he's rather professional and experienced in this field. In my eyes, he's the most persevering person that I've ever known. He started as an intern in a small real estate agency after his graduation and built up his company from nothing. According to him, he could barely find a decent place to live at the beginning and the only suit he had was bought from a flea market.

I just couldn't imagine how hard it was for him to make it till today. And even though he's really successful nowadays, he still keeps learning in a very modest way, so I admire him a lot.

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