小编:周敏 979人名配观点题,你做对了么?
苏州环球教育学校 周敏
A. 人名观点配对一般考察的是某个人的言论(statement)、观点(opinion)、评论(comment)、发现(findingsor discoveries)。这样,一般这个题的答案在文中就只有两个答案区:
1. 人名边上的引号里面的内容;
A. Sb.think/say/claim/argue/believe/report/find/discover/insist/admit/
B. +that 从句里的内容
C. Accordingto Sb….
综上所述,观点内容出现的标志有:‘’; (s)he says; according to Xxx;think/say….
B. 人名在文中一般以以下方式出现:
1. 全称(fullname)例如BrianWaldron
2. 名(firstname),不常见
3. 姓(surname)如:ProfessorSmith,Mr.Johnson…
4. 代词替代:He/she ,在同一段话中,该人再次出现时,用指示代词替代;有时会出现who引导的定语从句,指代上文或下文即将出现的人名。
以C4T2 passage1 的人名观点配对题为例。按照上述第一点所讲的方法进行快速定位可以确定,该题共出现五个人:MichaelKrauss, Salikoko Mufwene, Nicholas Ostler, Mark Pagel, Doug Whalen; 其中,MichaelKrauss, Nicholas Ostle, Doug Whalen仅出现一次。SalikokoMufwene, Mark Pagel出现了三次。
我们按照顺序法先对出现一次的第一个人名MichaelKrauss进行分析。出现在第三段结尾:Navajois considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. What makes a languageendangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. If it isspoken by children it is relatively safe. The critically endangered languagesare those that are only spoken by the elderly, according to Michael Krauss, director of the Alassk Native LanguageCenter, in Fairbanks.
接下来出现一次的人名是NicholasOstle,第四段:‘Peoplelose faith in their culture,’ he says. ‘When the next generation reaches theirteens, they might not want to be induced into the traditions.’ 大意:人们对自己的文化失去信心,下一代长大到青少年的时候他们不想被诱惑回传统中。beinduced into:被引诱,诱惑至。。。
对应题目,8. Youngpeople often reject theestablishedway of life in their community.
Teens≈young people, not want to≈ reject,tradition ≈established way of life 一种固定的生活方式即传统。所以我们第8题的答案即是C NicholasOstle。
第二段的结尾:‘Atthe moment, we are heading for about three or four languages dominating theworld,’ says Mark Pagel, an evolutionary biologist at the University ofReading. ‘It’s a mass extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from theloss is difficult to know.’
我们首先简化下句子:将时间短语删去,头衔删去,即:weare heading for about three or four languages dominating the world & It’s amass extinction, and whether we will ever rebound from the loss is difficult toknow. 大意:世界上就只有三四种语言了,其他语言都在消失,我们无法预知损失。由此,回到题目中,进行对应,几乎没有涉及到相关信息。由此先暂时排除这段的MP。
第六段中部:‘Moreover,the loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at theworld. ’ says Pagel. 对应题目没有说到多样性的丢失剥夺了我们看这个世界的方式。排除。
第六段尾部:‘Yourbrain and mine are different from the brain of someone who speaks French, forinstance,’ Pagel says, and this could affect our thoughts and perceptions. ‘Thepatterns and connections we make among various concepts may be structured bythe linguistic habits of our community.’简化后:
.. affectour thoughts and perceptions…. The patterns and connections… bestructuredby the linguistic habits. 回到题目不难发现对应7. The way wethink may be determined by our language. Pattern是模式,connections是联系,可以理解为我们的固定思维意。Bestructured是由什么组成,对应bedetermined。linguistichabits语言习惯则简化为language。这些话的大意即我们思考的方式是由我们的语言决定的。正是文中原话的总结。由此7题的答案是D. MarkPagel