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口语话题Describe a person you admire



小编:小雅 540
摘要:I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.

   环球教育(原环球教育)苏州分校为各位考生带来雅思口语话题Describe a person you admire,主要是对近期流行的话题进行分析,希望可以帮助各位考生轻松备考雅思。


Describe a person you admire.

You should say:

• who the person is

• what he or she is like

• and why you admire him or her.

Here are some ideas. I've underlined the best vocabulary.

• I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.

• My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He's hard-working, patient and understanding; he's also got a goodsense of humour and seems to get on well with everybody. Hopefully I've inherited some of these traits.

• I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers/sisters up well; he was quite strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I think my father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on life. I remember that he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he always made time for me and my brothers/sisters.

  Example: The person whom I admired first time is my mother. But, if we talk about the famous person, I can say that, he is Mahatma Gandhi. He was from India. He is known as the “Father of nation” in India as he played a very important role in gaining the freedom of India.

  Mahatma Gandhi gave the Indian People not only freedom but also the new thoughts on non-violence and sustainable living. There are some qualities about him like trust, non-violence, legacy, etc. These qualities are the ones that inspired me. He said that “If my faith burns bright as I hope it will even if I start alone, I shall be alive in grave and what is more speaking from it”.

  Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in small town named Porbander. Gandhi was a lawyer and he became the leader of the Indian National Congress. The main things that admire me about him are that he was a great follower of non-violence. The other thing, which inspired me, is his punctuality. He was very prompt in his life as he believes that punctuality is very important in the life. I think we all should be punctual in the life. 更多雅思备考信息,请关注苏州环球教育学校

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