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小编:长安 411




  Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorbikes are banned in city centers. Only public transports like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 20170112


  A growing number of municipal governments begin to formulate regulations to restrain the usage of private vehicles in downtowns in order to ease traffic pressure there. The public, consequently, are concerned about whether some related rules are advantageous or not.


  With the number of private cars and urban population both soaring, traffic congestion is one of the most severe problems that urban residents are confronted with in recent years. Driving private cars, admittedly, occupies far more road resources than taking public transports. Restraining private cars and meanwhile promoting public transports are undoubtedly able to reduce traffic congestion. An instance in point is that if 100 people like to travel in the city, what they need is 60 or 80 cars. Instead, 2 or 3 buses can take them wherever they want to go. On top of this, the usage of private cars does contribute substantially to global warming by enhancing carbon emission per person. By contrast, some subway systems and buses are fueled totally by electricity, meaning that taking them is extremely environmentally friendly.


  Objectors to this issue argue that limiting the use of private cars may cause many city dwellers' giving up their plans of purchasing cars, thus hindering the development of relevant industries. More negative outcomes of this might be an economic downturn and even a higher employment rate. In fact, our governments should never highly value an industry with only focusing on its boosting the economy and creating working opportunities, and on the contrary what it brings to us adversely also deserves attention from both governments and the public.


  To sum up, taking public transports is superior to driving private vehicles in places with high density of population.


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