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小编:长安 657




  【作文题目】The table below shows the percentage of water used in three sectors in six different countries in 2003.

  【综合点评】小作文:表格题、静态图,六个国家三个领域用水量的差异比较,参考Cambrige 6 Test 1,全球三个领域用水量比较,注意对比、比较、排名以及针对于这些特征的总结。


  【作文题目】Many employers think that the social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. Do you agree or disagree?

  【题目分析】看到题目不难判断这是一道观点题,所属话题为工作&职场类。在解析这道题目的过程中最重要的一点,学生要学会判定social skills 和good qualifications 这两个词语的具象体现。Social skills 可以包括 社交能力,团队能力,领导能力等;而good qualifications 可以理解为高学历,有诸多学术成果和证书认证的人群。有了这样的解题思路,这篇文章的逻辑架构基本确定。



  【参考范文】In employment, one's academical qualification is usually pri-marily considered by employers. However, it is not the only employment standard to meet the company demand in modern society. In a sense, one's social skills play an equally important role in the workplace where the most working tasks require a team with a high degree of compatibility.

  There is no doubt that one's academical qualification is one of the most im-portant criteria to be considered in hiring an employee. It can reflect one's education background, knowledge level as well as the mastery of specific skill that is closely related to one's future job. By evaluating one's academi-cal qualification, the employer can make a judgement on whether the ap-plicant is qualified for the position or not. Therefore, as is well known, em-ployees graduated from renowned universities always have a large chance at starting their career from a high point.

  However, employers nowadays become more aware of the significance of social skills at workplace. Those with great communicating skills and coop-erating wills can maintain good relationship with the peers and whole team, which can strengthen the teamwork for a better result. The complicated tasks always require the whole team with support from each member, and with a good performer in the team who knows how to establish connection with team members and how to inspire the team, the work can be easily and perfectly done.

  Overall, good academic qualification is, without doubts, an employment standard in a hiring. However, cooperating and communicating skills shall be equally highly valued by employers, as i strongly suggested.(260)

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