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小编:长安 209



  The best solution to traffic congestion in cities is offering free public transport 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170121 / 20140109



  In this present-day society, with the pervasiveness of private vehicles in urban areas, almost everyone has the experience of being stuck in traffic jam. As a result, some people arbitrarily regard it as the most effective method to tackle traffic congestion that municipal governments should provide a free public transport system working incessantly.


  Primarily, operating a public transport system in a city does require a great number of money, which can only be provided by local governments if the whole system is free of charge for the public. This, without a shadow of doubt, causes financial deficit of governments. In most of cases, governments utilize financial subsidies to reduce fare of public transport in order to encourage the general public to take public transports instead of driving their own cars. Few authorities dare to enact the free ticket policy as they are definitely able to predict that the huge financial burden is completely unendurable for them.


  Worse still, a free public transport system available to citizens all the time wastes plenty of social resources since it excessively generates the populace’s demand of transport. A considerable proportion of people will choose to live far away from where they work or study in the daytime because of the relatively low rental they pay for, without carefully calculating whether they can afford the fare of public transport or not. On top of this, some people are more willing to travel in the city to meet their friends who they do not have to meet necessarily. Social resources like human resources are, accordingly, being wasted randomly.



  In summary, convenience of public transport can substantially enhance people’s demand of transport, consequently consuming more social resources and costing more funds from governments. By analogy, the free public transport system working all the time cannot be regarded as a possible solution at all, let alone the best one.


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