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小编:长安 197

  2018年7月28日的雅思作文Task 2题目出现了the best这样的绝对词,有很多同学都反映,没有注意到这么高端大气上档次的绝对词,自己写的啥啥啥根本不知道,也不咋记得了,这样的考试状态,可能真的需要再回锅,温习一下我们审题和框架确定时需要注意的内容了。  


  Is it possible to give a balanced (partly agree) answer if the question contains a strong word like best, most, all or only?



  The best way to improve road safety is by introducing stricter punishments for bad drivers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  I disagree with the statement in order to mention the other side of the argument - that is, other means are also necessary to ensure road safety."

  考试时间的限制,意味着要想能够满足任务要求,拿到自己想要的高分,要用最高效的答题方式,看到题目时,寻找对立面,主体段落中分别讨论这两个对立面,就是一个不错的套路,因此"I disagree with the idea that punishments are the best way to improve road safety; several other measures can be equally effective."这就成为这个题目中可以写出对立面的一种立场。

  2018/07/28 大陆 写作Task 2

  Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  双面balanced position

  1.Introduction: accept it is a way,but other alternatives could be equally effective

  2.First reason: Ex-prisoners have real experiences that they can tell the teenagers about. Young people will believe them, and will be shocked by the reality of their stories. Give an example.

  3.Second reason: The alternatives are teachers or police officers talking to young people, or the use of educational films. These methods could have an equal impact - young people can be shaped in a variety of approaches by different people in terms of lowering the crime rates.

  4.Conclusion: Repeat / summarise your opinion.

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