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小编:小雅 121
摘要:Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers.


Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? To what extent do you agree or disagree this is a positive trend?


Technological progress empowered modern means of transport, tightly connecting food origins and consumers.

The process of industrilisation and urbanisation made a large amount of rural workforce engaged in cities and meanwhile, created the right condition for large scale agricultural production, which typically use automatical machinery to achieve sizeable yields in one place.


Mass production made it possible for food producers to limit their cost, and sell food in much larger quantity and with much cheaper price than before.

It also means that more options are largely available to consumers, since the sizeable production and efficient transport eliminated the barrier of distance, e.g. Canadian people can enjoy pineapples in winter. 国家进口食物的利弊

It promotes related industries, especially logistics. 国家进口食物的利弊


The long distance transport of food gives birth to environmental problems, such as the air pollution caused by air flight and the voluminous exhausts of lorries.

Compared with locally grown food, the food delivered from miles away is relatively unfresh, and to prevent it from turning spoiled, many producers use chemical preservers, harming people’s health.

Some producers even use biological injectants, e.g. growth hormone to feed poultry and

livestock, which undermine food security.



Counties should produce food for all population and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Food travels thousands of miles from farm to consumer. Some people think it would be better to our environment if people only ate local food. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the advantages outweigh disadvantages?


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