小编:环球教育 1364众所周知,雅思写作是属于学术类写作即academic writing,是为了学生以后出国在将来的大学撰写论文,可以有能力写出正式文章而做的准备。这就决定了雅思写作和口语不论是在用词或是句型以及思维上都有很大的差异。中国学生虽然从小就开始学英语,但是学习的过程都是从听和读开始,在学习和生活中接触到的英文,也都是口语环境的英文,例如英文歌曲、美剧英剧以及英文电影。正式的英文文体相对来说接触地就比较少。因此,在进行雅思写作,将思维转化为文字的时候,学生通常会使用惯用的口语词汇和句式。最终带来的结果就是写出来的文章较为随意,用词不够正式,表达不够书面化,逻辑关系不明显等问题。下面,苏州环球教育就和大家来看一下学术写作的几个要求。
A lot of people think that the weather is getting worse.They say that this has been going on for quite a long time.I think that they are quite right.Research has shown that we now get storms etc all the time.
不恰当短语 | 问题分析 |
A lot of people think... | Imprecise------不够明确,a lot 许多究竟是多少? |
...the weather... | Imprecise------weather是指短期特定时间的天气情况,即the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place; |
...getting worse... | Informal------非正式用词; |
...going on... | Informal------非正式动词词组; |
...quite a long time | Imprecise------相当长一段时间究竟是多久? |
I think... | Informal------非正式用语; |
Research... | Vague------模糊含义,是指谁的研究? |
...we now get... | Imprecise |
...storms etc... | Vague---模糊含义,还有哪些? |
...all the time. | Over-generalised------太过于笼统 |
It is widely believed that the climate is deteriorating.It is claimed that this process has been continuing for nearly 100 years.This belief appears to be supported by McKinley,who shows a 55% increase in the frequency of severe winter gales since 1905.
可以看出,改写后的段落,用固定句型主语从句It is widely believed that.../It is claimed that...取代了a lot of people think.../They say that...;改用了正式词汇climate、deteriorate、continue;把Research以及时间都细化;文体感得到极大的增强,论据更加具体化,不容易遭到质疑和挑战。
a) 不要使用口语词汇,例如:dad、guy,改用标准英语:father、man;
b) 使用准确的词汇,例如:rule和law、currency和money是有区别的,具体单词的意思差异需要同学们在平时积累词汇的时候查阅英汉词典;
c) 避免使用绝对的论断,例如:education reduces crime,可改为:education may/is likely to reduce crime;
d) 避免使用带有主观感情色彩的词汇,例如:luckily、surprisingly;
e) 不要使用缩略形式,例如:don’t、can’t改为do not、cannot;
f) 不要使用疑问句,例如:what were the reasons for...?改为There were four main reasons for...;
g) 避免使用e.g.、etc或是and so on,在提到最后一个并列的时候,用and连接,例如:The forests of the twelfth century consisted of oak、ash and lime.;
h) 避免使用第二人称you;
i) 避免使用单词的缩略形式,例如:photo、TV改为:photography、television;
Heavy rain causes/leads to/results in/produces flooding.
Flooding is caused/produced byheavy rain.(注意被动语态的使用)
Floodingresults from heavy rain.
Cause | Effect |
because | so |
since | therefore |
as | consequently |
owing to | which is why |
due to/because of |
Because it rained heavily,the flooding was severe.(because +句子)
The flooding occurred because of days of heavy rain.(because of +名词/名词短语)
Owing to the heavy rain the flooding was severe.
It rained heavily,therefore the flooding was severe.
General Motors is the largest motor company in the world,with total revenues amounting to 15% of the global automotive market.The giant firm employs 360,000 people internationally.
largest company | giant firm |
motor | automotive |
in the world | global/internationally |