小编:桂敏 277近期雅思口语改革明显强调了part2和part3,很多考生反应part1只问一个问题比如study&work, 然后直接进入part2。以前对part1的测试一般是从5大类基础问题(如,hometown, family, etc.)中选3类提问。所以现在对学生的语言能力要求提高了,而且part2对于想要考6分而语言能力一般的考生而言尤为重要。
Describe piece of art (statue / painting)
You should say:
What it is
What you know about it
Who went with you
And explain why you like it
有很多学生对该题的反应是"不喜欢绘画,说不了"。其实这个话题可以很轻松的解决。比如:你在一家餐厅和朋友吃饭(联系餐馆话题: location,decoration,interior design,food),正在等上菜时,突然看到了墙上的一副油画,油画里面的人物(联系人物描述),桌上的东西,灯光(lighting),色彩, 氛围(atmosphere)等等,也可以对比以前你对油画的理解和现在的区别。
...when I looked around I saw this painting which was hung on the wall and was well lit. As the lights were dim in the restaurant, the painting was very attractive. The painting is set in a classy restaurant and there is a charming woman standing behind a table with a few bottles of wine, a glass of water and a glass plate of oranges. The woman has a slim figure, ivory white skin and ruby cheeks. And from her look, one can tell that she's thinking about something, which makes a good contrast to the crowd atmosphere behind her. I have to say that at the first sight, I was stunned by this elegant figure. This painting, together with the other gorgeous paintings, adds a good romance to the ambience.
I used to see lots of figure paintings but this picture is the most appealing one and I guess it's because that the beauty of the woman is well accentuated by the lighting, the objects and other customers in the painting. When we were enjoying the meal, I kept looking at the painting...
Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger.
You should say:
When and where you had the conversation
Who you talked to
What you talked about
And explain why this was an interesting conversation.
和陌生人聊天聊些什么比较好呢?或者说能把话题说长呢? 也许你可以把事情变为在咖啡店或者坐火车旅行时遇见的一个外国友人,然后你们聊了最近各自的旅行,这个城市好吃的好玩的,当然也可以说各自的国家,所以可以有很多好聊的。而聊天的话题都是你学过的知识(地点,饮食,旅行,国家等等)。
Once I met an interesting stranger in a cafe which is quite close to my house. The cafe was kind of full and so I had to share a table with a stranger who's sitting by the window. When I sit down, we smiled to each other and said hello. Seeing that I was drinking expresso, he's kind of surprised cos he rarely saw Chinese people drink expresso which seemed quite strong for them. And he commended that it's the best choice of his folks, the Italians. And then as a coffee lover, I felt quite interested and so I talked a lot with him about the varieties and tastes of coffee.