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小编:Linda 215



  1.Why do you think art is beneficial to children?——Art is definitely beneficial to children because it is where they can subconsciously express their hidden thoughts and emotions. It not only allows them to express themselves, but it also enhances their creativity. If a child uses his left brain more, doing art and music allows him to use his right brain. It is definitely a lot better if children utilize their time by doing art than by watching too much TV or playing too much video games. Art is healthy for both the mind and the emotion of any child or adult.该题要求考生回答认为艺术对小孩有益的原因。建议考生可从艺术可以潜意识地让孩子表达他们的想法和情感,还能促进他们的创造性等方面出发描述,再进行扩展,如开发孩子的左右脑等,再进行总结它是对于人的大脑开发是有益处的。


  2.What kind of art do you like?——I don’t have any particular favorite when it comes to art because I am appreciative of each work of art that I see. I like looking at abstract and colorful paintings as much as I like looking at portrait paintings. I also enjoy looking at clay sculptures the same way that I enjoy looking at ice sculptures. Each work of art has its own reason, background and history.这题直接给大家提供了提示的英语答案,大家自己琢磨一下不做过多解释。


  3.Do you think the government should invest more funds in building art museums?——Government should encourage their country’s citizens towards arts appreciation. Investing more funds in building art museums would mean attracting more and more tourists which would be helpful to the country’s reputation and economy. Through art museums, the country’s culture is introduced thus they educate not only the local citizens but the foreigners as well. Art museums must be well preserved and kept clean at all times. If there is a need to, it would be good if the government can upgrade or improve existing art museums for their betterment.该题属于社会现象题,问的是政府是否应该投入更多的资金在建筑博物馆上。建议考生可从客观的角度进行分析,如投入资金在建筑博物馆上就意味着会吸引更多地旅行者来观光,也有助于促进国家经济的发展和文化的传播,假如有这个需要的话,国家可改善现有的博物馆,使其更好。


  4.Do you like arts? Why?——Absolutely, this is because art is a link to the past. It provides an enjoyable perspective from which people can examine the history. And also, art encourages imagination. It shows people how they might express their own feelings and experiences through different kinds of arts such as painting and drawing.此问题主要是让考生回答自己是否喜欢艺术并且告知原因,范例提到的是因为艺术是与历史链接的纽带,建议考生也可从它能激发人们的想象力入手,同时通过不同的艺术如油画等有助于让人们表达自己的感觉与体验。


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