小编:长安 278相信上周六参加考试的考生们,肯定还对这道大作文题目心有余悸。审题仔细的考生们甚至开始不相信自己的眼睛了。千真万确,从分类角度讲这是一个非常少见的考题。但是仔细分析之后,其实也不算难。另外,此题在2014年10月02日就和各位考生见过面。
Government funding for universities should only be provided as scholarships for the best students. Other funding of universities should come from student fees and private organization. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170624
Funding issues of universities, usually known as non-profit organizations, are always worth debating, such as the utilization, distribution and rational source of the funding. Some people support that the fund provided by governments can only be utilized as scholarship for best students, and meanwhile tuitions of students and donation from some private organizations are the only two acceptable sources of funding, besides government.
For one thing, there is no denying that using government funding as scholarships to inspire students who really work hard is beneficial. Nevertheless, function of governmental funding should not be confined to this. This is to say, the funding should be more multifunctional instead of providing scholarships only. For instance, another main function of funding from governments is for financially supporting students from low-income families who consequently cannot afford their study or living in universities, no matter whether they are able to be good students or not. Besides, some significant researches that no sponsors like to aid also ought to be subsidized by funding of governments.
For another, in comparison to a toneless funding structure where all funding of universities can only come from governments, tuition of students and private organizations, a more flexible and various financial source is badly needed. Donations from some companies and individuals should also be accepted, by which universities can own sufficient funding to support researches and provide students a fertile study and living environment. Notwithstanding, commercial activities of universities should not be encouraged or must be under strict supervision and regulation, as on no account can the principle of universities of to be non-profit originations be changed.
In a word, of many funding sources, government funding is the most significant one function of which ought to be maximized, covering scholarships, students aid, research and so forth. And meanwhile, a various and sufficient funding pool is regarded as a precondition supporting multi-functionalization of funding for universities.