小编:小雅 151教了这么多年雅思写作和雅思阅读,看到很多同学做完剑桥雅思真题的阅读之后,对一下答案,然后做得好就欢天喜地,做得不好就怨天忧地,然后继续去做下一篇。其实,一味的题海战术不但没有成效,而且进步也极小,是对于有限剑桥雅思真题的一种极度浪费。一般同学的备考时间有限,大家必须要学会的是分析和破解。今天苏州环球教育另辟蹊径,看看通过雅思阅读真题的模仿和改编,能不能轻松学到最地道的表达和句型,来替换雅思写作中那些初级低端的句型,真正做到阅读写作不分家,有效缩短复习周期,提高学习效率。更多雅思备考信息,请关注苏州环球教育学校。
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1.Any individual in any situation occupies a role in relation to other people.
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2.The role definitions of lawyers and doctors are fairly clearly defined both in legal and in cultural terms.
3.The role definitions of say, a film star or bank manager, are also fairly clearly defined in cultural terms, too clearly perhaps.
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4.Individuals often find it hard to escape from the role that cultural traditions have defined for them.
5.Not only with doctors or lawyers is the requires role behaviour so constrained that if you are in that role for long it eventually becomes part of you, part of your personality.
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6.It is often important that you make it clear what your particular role is at a given time.
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7.The current trend towards blurring these role signs in dress is probably democratic, but it also makes some people very insecure.
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8.Looking at role ambiguity form the other side, from the point of view of the members of the role set, lack of clarity in the role of the focal person can cause insecurity, lack of confidence, irritation and even anger among members of his role set.