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小编:长安 233




  【作文题目】The bar chart shows the number of years people spent at school from 2000 to 2010. The pie chart shows the highest educational level achieved by adults in Singapore in 2000 and 2010.



  【综合点评】组合图形,线图和饼图组合,可以参考C4T2,关于冬天和夏天用电量,注意组合图形的分段方式,为各自分段,并且需要加强两个图表之间的联系. 一般高分文章都 要求"This essay covers the requirement and integrates the two charts well. "

  采分要点仍然是柱状图的整体趋势概括和 饼状图的占比比较,最后一段说明两个图表之间的联系.多数组合图,两个图表之间有包含关系,线图比较宏观,而饼图描述具体某年份,所以相对比较微观。


  【作文题目】More and more people want to buy clothes, cars and other items with famous brands. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

  【题目分析】报告题,考生需要分别address 这两个任务,Reasons 和Effects。



  It has been said that an increasing number of people, whether they be the youngsters or the elderly, are preferring famous brands to those locally pro-duced counterparts, when they are purchasing wearables, automobiles and oth-er categories. I strongly believe that the dominance of advertising is responsible for this.

  Nowadays, people have been bombarded with advertising campaigns, as they flip on the TV, touch the smart phones or walk on the street, so that the repetitive slogans and remarkable logos of some famous brand packages are planted into their brains. This is not only restricted to young people, but also evident among the elderly who are also the target of the advertising agencies. When exposed to such campaigns, they may lose memory of the locally produced counterparts with the same function, and buy some famous items without hesitation.

  However, this modern development, as I believe, is largely detrimental to culture and traditions worldwide. This is because a country's history and ethos are inextricably bound up in its locally produced artifacts. If the relentless advance of world-renowned international brands into every corner of the world continues, these famous packages would one day completely oust the traditional objects of a nation, thus placing the lo-cal diversity and richness at risk and causing disappearance of the manifestation of the local place's character. If it were not for the specially woven silk clothes in Su-zhou, there would not have been the stance of craftsmanship of cloth weaving in the international community.

  Some may argue that all people are entitled to have access to the same products, but I say that the local products suit the local conditions best, and support should be given to the locally produced brands to balance the dominance of the advertisements and control the negative effects these brands inflict to the whole world. (303 words)

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