小编:钱婷婷 8172015年8月1日雅思写作考情回顾
苏州 环球教育学校 钱婷婷
Task1:小作文地图题。Plansfor room layouts for training sessions for up to 10 people and more than 10people.
Task2: The world natural resources areconsumed at an ever-increased rate. What are the dangers of this situation? Whatshould we do?
分析:本文是关于环境的观点类文章。探讨在自然资源被迅速消耗下所带来的危害以及我们应该做的措施。值得一提地是,在2007年6月28日也出过一篇类似的环境类文章。题目是:Thenatural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at analarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems? 明显我们发现虽然他问的方式不一样,但实质上内容并没有改变。还是在问自然资源被迅速消耗,这件事它所造成的问题以及解决的措施。而这也暗示我们,在平常的练习当中,可以时时以以前出过的真题来练手。
开头段:It isan undeniable fact that in recent years, natural resources, which are consumedexcessively, has arouse the shared concern of countries all over the globe. Itis true that our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources arenot endless.(43W)
1. 过度的土地资源开垦,造成土地沙化。
2. 过度砍伐树木,导致全球变暖。
3. 水资源的浪费,对人类后代生存造成难以预计的困难。
Actually, it is only during the last fewyears that man has become generally aware that the excessive consumption ofnatural resources has endangered the living creatures on the earth. Obviously,some natural resources are regenerate, or can be turned into unregenerate, suchas oil, minerals, coals and stuff. However, those nonrenewable resources arestill wasted and over-consumed for different reasons in various ways all thetime.(67W)
In terms of water resource, particularly,it is involved in all kinds of human activities. Apart from the daily use,people also waste it in a careless way. As a result, there is less and lessfresh water resources in the world, especially, in some certain areas. In fact,some places are tough for the existence of human. As for the extensivedeforestation, it contributes to some natural disasters--heavy flooding andland desertification. In other words, the over-consumption of natural resourceslead to other dreadful disasters. Consequently, all of these problems caused bythe over-development of natural resources will eventually have an disastrousinfluence on the human off-springs. (108W)
1. 从社会大众角度而言,提高环境保护意识。
2. 从大公司的角度而言,自觉把制造污染物的可能性降到最小。
3. 从国家政府角度而言,制定相关环境保护政策并贯彻实施。
Obviously, finding solutions of a probleminvolves the increase of worldwide awareness and international cooperation.Thus, every individual should realise the crisis of natural resources. As tothe large enterprises, they should set up the self-consciousness to minimisethe possibility of creating pollutants. On the other hand, government should alsotake some effective measures including enactment of environmental laws andregulations as well as detailed implementation for breaking the laws.(69W)