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小编:姚宝羽 887
摘要:12月4日雅思听力考试回忆 by环球教育苏州分校 姚宝羽

S1: 旧题 填空 两学生在艺术展览的对话

Traditon fair

1. It started in 1960s

2. Number of artists 352

3. Name of the band: University

4. Audience are mainly international students

5. The most popular fair type: photography

6. Venue: car-park/ workshop

Children’s fair

7. kids can make models by clay

8. Has performance by realistic/ residential animals


9. free double deck bus is the purple one

10. Paid buses are close to the entrance

Tips: 图表填空题是雅思听力考试中常考提醒,尤其是在第一部分,几乎每次考试都会出现至少5道题的表格填空题或图表填空题。考察学生记录事实类信息,包括人的衣食住行等。比如填写一个人的姓名住址电话,记录数字等。另外,值得注意的是雅思听力考试70%为填空题,且考试中要求我们填写的词永远是最简单的名词,即根据单词的发音拼写我们所熟悉的单词即可。

S2: 旧题 填空+选择 游泳课安排

11. A bill

12. A comment card 评论卡

13. A booking form 预定表

14. The final time of luggage taken 11:30pm

15. Cabin keys小木屋钥匙

16. Room service not offeredlast night

17. C  when can the passengers gooff the boat

       A.Two hours before the ship on shore

      B.before the goods is unloaded

      C.complete alllegal formalities

18. B  who will go off the boardfirst

  B. Persons who need to catch planes

   C.Those whose luggage are red

19. B  Then going off the board,passengers should wait at

  B. The public room

20. C  if there are goods to bedeclared in the custom, you should

   B.Write a form

  C.phone the officer



S3: 配对 学生教授讨论有关交通项目的论文


A. Only John agrees

B. Only professor agrees

C. Both agree




S4:配对+填空 茶树油

31-35 人物和事件对应

A. Bring tea tree oil into Australia in 1770

B. Challenge the benefit of tea tree oil

C. Report the special eating habit in Australia

D. List plant species

E. Study the tea tree oil

F. Saw Australian aborigines drink

G. Use tea tree for medical treatment

31. Aborigines---G

32. Dutch explorer---C

33. Sir Hugh Palliser---B

34. Captain James Cook---F

35. Dr. A.R. Penfold---E

36. Tea tree will store oil during winteraccumulate the useful substance

37. put leaves and stems

38. The water and the oil vapor rose up to the lidsof the containers

39. According to the principle of gravity

40. The water will go to the tubes onto the ground.


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