小编:李帆 1155一月是雅思口语考试换新题的时间。每年一月,五月,九月雅思口语会换掉大约三分之一旧题,并加入三分之一的新题。根据一月已考完同学的回忆,Part1基本没有特别大的变化。
Part 2出现的新题一部分是之前考过的(或略微变化)。例如:Favoritewild animal,Gift youreceived in your childhoo,An eventchanged your life,Anadvertisement you know,A park orgarden you have been to,An accasionyou met a friend that you haven’t seen for a long time,A useful skill you learned through a hard time,Most busy time in your life。
另外还有一部分属于全新题。1月25日考的同学需要重点准备这类题。例如:a movie youdislike,Anintelligent person,An oldobject in your family,Popularproduct made in your country,Somethingspecial you saved money to buy,Areastaurant that impresses you,An occasionthat you forgot sth,A place youvisited to learn another culture。以下是一篇关于地点类话题park orgarden的范文,有需要的同学可以参考。
Describe your favorite park/garden.
Where it is
What can be seen there
How often you go there
And explain why you like it.
Well, as you can imagine, I'vebeen to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, Iguess it’s Central Park in my city, which is somewhere in the centre of Suzhou,not far from the Taihu Lake.
Regarding what can be seenthere, well I guess the first thing would be the tulips, which are reallygorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, I'm sure if you look on theinternet, you'll probably be able to see some photos of the park and theflowers. And another thing that attract a large number of people is the cherryblossom, which is quite stunning, especially in the spring time. It's no exaggerationto say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and that's why you'll also see alot of couples taking wedding photos there.
Anyway, as for how often I gothere, if truth be told, I don't really go there that often, probably once ortwice a month, because it’s pretty crowded on weekends.
So finally, with regard to why I like this park, it'sreally a scenic place to go and relax, I simply enjoy the beauty of nature. Theother great thing about it is the free entrance, which didn't used to be thecase a while ago, so I guess I'll go there more often in the future. That'spretty much about it, thanks for listening.