小编:姚雪 897A卷A类小作文
【作文题目】Thebest way to teach children to cooperate with others is team sports in school.To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The significance of cooperation hasstrongly been advocated by all fields, especiallyin schools, for its vital role in achieving goals. Accordingly,many schoolshave regard team sports as the best way to enhance cooperation. My view is that though team sports isessential in the cultivation of teamwork spirit, children can learn tocooperate through a combination ofmethods.
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One outstanding feature of team sports isthat its success requires the whole team working together. Taking a footballmatch as an example, even the best forward cannot score without the assistance of wingbacks. "Whenyou play a team sport you learn that it doesn't just come down to the bestplayer," says Ross Morrison, a sports expert with the NSW Department ofEducation and Communities." It comes down to working as a team, acceptingdecisions and understanding that people have different abilities.” In the teamenvironment, members need to know how to communicate with each other anddiscuss strategies to beat rivals, which can prepare students for both academicperformance and career development.
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Another advantage of team sports is that itcan encourage children to obey team rules. When they are playing together, theyare demanded to follow certain instructions; otherwise activities orgames may not go smoothly. Under the incentive of championship, children aremore likely to put aside divergences and scratch each other’s back.
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Meanwhile, it should not be overlooked thatthe nature of sports is competitiveness and this may lead to conflicts. If theteam fails, children tend to blame their teammates, which is harmful to bothteamwork spirit and friendship. Clearly, there are many other social activitiesthat can improve children’s cooperation, including singing in a chorus andparticipating in group presentations.
To conclude, team sports provide a goodenvironment for children to cooperate and encourage them to followinstructions. If properly complemented with other teaching methods, it canlargely would cooperation.
The consumption of world’s resources(eg:oil and fresh water) is increasing. What are the causes of it? What measuresshould be taken to solve it?
According to BP StatisticReview Natural of World Energy June 2015, global primary energy consumptionincreased by 0.9% in 2014 and is projected to continue the trend in 2015. It isreported that consumption increased for all fuels, reaching record level forevery fuel type. Reasons behind this condition are various and there areseveral feasible approaches to be adopted.
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To begin with, emergingeconomies account for all of the net growth in energy consumption. Energy toeconomy is what blood is to heart.On account of this, the pursue oftechnological and scientific advances demand a considerable amount of resourcesannually. Additionally,current cutting-edge technology has made it easier,safer, cleaner, and cheaper to extract oil and gas. For example, oil drillingis expected to be the one without damaging the environment and disturbing theplant and animal habitat, especially no accident such as oil spills. Apart fromthat, a major part of the rise in global consumption is the result of populationgrowth worldwide.It is estimated that the world population will ascend to 8.9billion by 2050, which means that there will be more pressure on all types ofresources.
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To cope with this issue, acouple of empirical and theoretical recommendations can be taken intoconsideration. First,urgent efforts should be put into maximizing the utilityrate of natural resources. For instance, enhancing conversion ratio so thatgasoline and coal are not being wasted in the form of heat and light. It isalways worth considering to take full advantage of second-hand materialsrecycled items in the process of development. As for population, effectivepopulation control measures are advisable in this case. For one, strict legalsteps should be taken to regulate the minimum marriageable age. On top of this,women education plays a subtle role in limiting the total number withinfamilies.
To sum up, economicprogress and demographic increment contribute to energy burden that can bereleased through scientific efficient utilization and population control.