小编:宋珊 502真题回顾
Accommodation (flat/house)
Study (major/campus life)
Hobbies (singing/traveling)
Family business
A decision
Historic event
Recent event made you happy (Part3: job andhappiness, importance of money)
Travel by public transport (part 3: use ofcars; advantages and disadvantages of public transport)
Something helped you to learn anotherlanguage
Subject in high school which you dislike(part3: unnecessary courses in high school)
A job you would like to do
Interesting conversation
A party you would like to hold
9月以及10月新出的题型反复在11月份出现,family business再次高出镜率,所以广大烤鸭必须有所准备;并且上一次口语考试中出现的话题:描述曾经在你学习过程中帮助过你的人,在这次口语考试中又变成了描述一个帮助你学习另一门语言的东西,其实还是换汤不换药,之前的很多素材还是可以套用在这个话题上。所以口语考试实际上就是在考场上充分调动你大脑里的题库进行合理排列组合。下面是一些关于part3部分考生常见的问题,我给出一些素材以供参考。
Q1: Advantages and disadvantages of publictransport.
One of the enjoyable aspects is that takingbuses or subway is more environmental friendly while cars tend to cause airpollution because of its emission. Besides, compared with private cars, publictransport consumes less resource. Last but not least, it’s much safer thandriving cars.
Q2:Is money important?
Interesting question. I think it’simportant, but money is not everything. You cant live without money, becauseyou need to buy some necessities to ensure your basic life, such as food,clothes. However, we should know that a lot of things are more important thanmoney, like love, life, friends which you cant buy.