小编: 930Passage one | |||
文章新旧 | 旧题机经版本 v100814 | ||
文章标题 | Organic farming and traditional farming | ||
文章题型 | T / F / NG(4); 人物观点配对 Matching(5); Summary(4) | ||
文章内容 | 全文围绕有机农业和传统农业之争展开话题,讲到应该注重chemicals or natural;以及中间路线的观点,表明二者皆不可少。有人支持技术(即化肥)提高产量,有人支持有机农业(生态肥)。作者认为,除了这两个,还有第三条路,就是智能农业。分别讲了chemical fertilizer 和organic farming各自的优缺点,然后提出未来的intelligent farming。 | ||
相关链接 | Organic farming is the method by which agriculturists develop and cultivate vegetables, dairy products, grains, meat and fruits. The method of organic farming has been brought into use to preserve water and soil and also to reduce the pollution that can be caused because of faming. Organic farming does not involve any of the conventional farming methods to avoid the diseases that can occur in the livestock and to control pests in the vegetable or fruit farming and for that matter even fertilizer. Organic farming puts into use the natural methods to avoid any harm to the farming. The organic farming differs from the conventional farming in a number of ways. In conventional farming, synthetic chemicals are made use of to increase the growth of cultivation. However, in organic farming it is preferable to use organic wastes and compost in the form of fertilizers, which can result in increasing the nutrients supplied to the plants. To get rid of pests and weeds, a conventional farming method would make use of pesticide or insecticides. However, with organic farming, the farmers would prefer making use of birds and some insects that would destroy the harm causing insects. At times, the organic farming would also go through to destroy the mating season of the pests, or even go in for trapping the pests rather than making use of chemicals. To get rid of weeds, conventional farming methods make use of herbicides. On the other hand, organic farming would prefer going in for rotation of the crops that would prevent the particular weed from destroying a plant. Also, organic farmers would prefer going in for hand picking of the weeds or tilling to control the weed growth. When it comes to poultry and dairy conventional farming, these would opt for feeding the animals with antibiotics and growth hormones to prevent diseases and the increase of the production and growth of the animals. In contrary, when organic farming is applied, then it makes use of organic foods to be fed for proper and healthy growth of animals. The animals are left in open, so that they can get a fresh environment to grow in a healthy manner. Organic farming aims at providing the animals with a balanced and clean diet so that any disease can be prevented. Also, where the animals are housed, the area should be kept clean to prevent spread of any infection. Off late the organic food has gained a lot of popularity as they are being considered as healthy because of the methods that are used in the farming of these foods. There are concerns over the pesticides that are used on food and the growth hormones that are injected into poultry, whether they would be good for the healthy development of humans or not. Organic foods, not only promise to give you and your family a healthy meal, as they are not genetically modified and also do not contain any preservatives, but also help you in saving the environment and the ecosystem. | ||
Passage two | |||
文章新旧 | 新题 | ||
文章标题 | Wasp | ||
文章题型 | 段落大意题,选择(两个选两个的多选题), Summary | ||
文章内容 | 关于2种蜜蜂还是昆虫的介绍 着重讲了Aggressive behavior 像 eggs theft,说蜜蜂里面的“阶级统治”就是有queen和worker; 然后两种种类的蜜蜂在“统治”方式上的区别;中间提到了花,还有蜜蜂带来的经济效应 | ||
Passage three | |||
文章新旧 | 旧题机经版本号 v100911 | ||
文章标题 | 行星恒星引力 | ||
文章题型 | 段落细节配+ 判断题 + summary | ||
文章内容 | 讲天体物理方面。 关于太阳系 星球等不围绕恒星的行星,宇宙和行星,太阳系 和光,热水之间的问题 | ||
相关链接 | Planets Around Other Stars What are exoplanets? Throughout recorded history and perhaps before, we have wondered about the possible existence of other worlds, like or unlike our own. The earliest understanding of the solar system showed us that there were indeed other worlds in orbit about our Sun, and steadily growing understanding of their natures shows that all are dramatically different from Earth, and mostly very different from one another. As we came to understand that the stars in the sky are other suns, and that the galaxies consist of billions of stars, it appeared a near certainty that other planets must orbit other stars. And yet, it could not be proven, until the early 1990’s. Then, radio and optical astronomers detected small changes in stellar emission which revealed the presence of first a few, and now many, planetary systems around other stars. We call these planets “exoplanets” to distinguish them from our own solar system neighbors. How we know that there are planets around other stars? Most of the detected exoplanets have revealed their presence by small effects that they have on their star. As planet follows its orbital path, the star follows a complementary motion of its own. This is a tiny effect proportional to the planet/star mass ratio – in the case of the solar system, the Sun moves in synch with the Earth at the speed of a slow dance – currently too slow to readily detect in a distant system. The motion of the Sun in synch with Jupiter, however, is closer to a fast run – and in favorable cases it can be detected by several methods. The motion of the host star can be measured as a shift in its spectrum (the Doppler shift) or as a change in its position on the sky (astrometry). In both cases these are very challenging measurements and require exquisitely sensitive instruments. Exoplanet orbits presumably have random orientations, and in some cases the orbit carries the planet between us and its star. Then the exoplanet might be detected by the decrease in the light from the star. Such transitshave been observed, and a number of planets discovered by this method. Another effect that can reveal the presence of a planet around another star is the bending of light from background stars by the gravitational field of an intervening star. If the intervening star has an orbiting planet it may alter the gravitational lensing effect in a noticeable way (microlensing). The large majority of the several hundred known extrasolar planets have been discovered by the Doppler technique, and other methods are contributing more significantly as they are refined and the number of detected exoplanets continues to increase steadily. What do we know about our exoplanet neighbors? Although the details are not entirely understood, it is known that stars like the Sun form from spinning protostellar disks of gas and dust. The Earth and other planets of the solar system are believed to have developed from the remains of that disk, and there is no reason to believe that the same process would not be effective throughout the galaxy. Thus a first guess might be that other planetary systems would be like the solar system. ![]() However, the first detections of exoplanets revealed bodies which are utterly unlike any solar system planet – and subsequent discoveries have shown that many exoplanet systems are very dissimilar from ours. In some exosystems, planets as massive as Jupiter orbit so close to their star that they are heated to high temperature and their upper atmospheres are swept into space. In other systems, planets follow elongated orbits (in contrast to the nearly circular orbits of the solar system). However, our studies of exoplanets are just beginning, and it is not possible to be sure what will prove to be “typical” planets among our neighboring stars. Will most planet systems prove to be much like our own, or are we exceptional in more ways than we can imagine? Only years of further study will tell. Evidence is accumulating that exoplanet systems which resemble the solar system are being found. The star 55 Cancri, 41 light years away, has a system of 5 planets, with distributions somewhat similar to the solar systems inner planets (though with much higher masses). As our measurements become sensitive to lower masses, some astronomers believe that we will find many such systems with a substantial complement of planets (perhaps even dynamically full – that is, containing as many planets as can coexist in orbital harmony). In other reports, a number of planets with masses near that of Earth have been detected. The results are few, but because the measurements are very difficult, the detections are considered significant and possibly indicative of many more to be found in the future. Again, only years of study will tell. What do we want to learn about exoplanets? A thorough understanding of exoplanets will tell us much about how our solar system formed, why it has small, rocky planets near the Sun, why it has gas giant planets far from the Sun, why the Earth has the conditions and chemicals that can support life, and why conditions on other planets are hostile to life. Theories of planet formation and evolution are incomplete, but offer specific predictions. Detections of exoplanets are already testing, validating, and in some cases invalidating, details of these theories. Perhaps the most interesting question, and one of the most difficult to answer, concerns the uniqueness of the Earth. Are there planets similar to the Earth around other stars and does life exist on any other planet beyond our own Earth? | ||
本次考题总体分析及未来走向: 学生普遍反映此次考试第二三两篇比较难做 1. 摘要填空题;判断题; 选择题; 配对题;四大主流题型仍旧占据主导位置,考生务必重视,相对而言填空比较容易拿分,所以尽量不要失分! 2. 信息段落和段落大意一直是学生比较薄弱的环节。这两个题型前者多为细节,后者主要是概括对于段落大意切记勿以偏概全,切记勿见到与原文同样的单词就做选择,这样常常会进入干扰项! 3. 从内容上看,大家对于天文类的文章不太擅长,所以在备考过程中可以多看看相关背景的文章! |