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小编:夏明洋 1199
摘要:2015年4月11日雅思写作机经 by苏州环球教育学校 夏明洋

Task 1

The line graph and the bar chart give theinformation and forecast about the vehicle and CO2 emission in England andWales between 2000 and 2020

(The amount of CO2 emission)



The two diagrams illustrate the details andgive projections to the number of vehicle and CO2 emissions in England andWales from 2000 to 2020

Key features:

1)20002010,vehiclenumber 持续增长,并从2000起更高的增长率出现。预计到2020年,vehicle number 超过60million

2)carCO2主要排放源,从2000年的2.2tones增至2010年的2.7tones. 预计在2020年攀升至3tones

3)Truck CO2排放第二大,从20002020年同样预计增加(从0.7tone1.3tone)

4)Van 排放第三,从20000.5tone20100.7tone, 未来10年预计不变。Bus最干净,仅从2000年的0.3tone增长20100.4tone, 预计在未来保持不变。


Vehicle number sees a persistent increasebetween 2000 and 2020. Car is always the main culprit of CO2 emission andcontinuously rises while bus remains the cleanest vehicle during the 20 years.

Task 2

Nowadays, older people who need employmenthave to compete with younger people.What problem do this cause?And what are thesolutions?

解析:本次大作文是报告文, 审题有一定难度。要求写老年人参与求职竞争可能导致的后果及解决措施。

首段:Identifyand paraphrase the problem:

Because of financial dilemmas or simplyresulted from higher career pursuit,quite a large number of elderly peoplereturn to the working market and compete the job opportunities with the youngercandidates. Although the action has many negative repercussions to the society,some effective measures can be done to better the situation.


More elderly people entering job marketthreatens the employments of many younger people, leading to higher joblessrate in younger population. Since older people are obviously more advantageousin terms of experience,professional knowledge,and leading skills, employerswould give more preferences to the older candidates than younger ones whenrecruiting. If young adults find it increasing pressured to get hired, itinevitably leads to to the instability of the society. Crime rate is expectedto rise due to the indignation and pressures faced in the young. Anotherproblem lies in the physical health of these older employees. When older peopleengage on works, they are meant to face job pressures and sometimes longworking hours, which can have huge negative effects on their longevity.


Nevertheless, some solutions can be takento prevent the returns of older people. First of all, older people can beencouraged to enjoy their life after retirement instead of continuing theircareer via media propaganda. Some entertainment facilities for elders can beestablished to enrich retirement life and dispel their loneliness. Older peoplewould be reluctant to extend their career path when they find many joys intheir retirements. Besides, if older people choosing to work is caused byfinancial pressures, that government increases the amount of pension andenhances the social welfare is the very recipe. A strong pension and socialwelfare system ensures a good retirement life and avoid the necessity ofreemployment.


Overall, the society should always go as itshould be.That is, older people are supposed to leave more opportunities toyounger generations. if older people replace the position that is normallytaken by young adults, the society can hardly advance sustainably.

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