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小编:吴陈洁 823
摘要:2013年12月21日雅思写作考情分析--苏州环球教育学校 吴陈洁

Task 1




The charts below show the qualifications ofemployees of an advertising company in 1990 and 2010. Please state the mainfeatures and make comparisons where relevant.

Task 2


Scientists advise people to lead a healthy lifestyle, but some peoplecontinue with unhealthy activities.Why do you think it happens and what can bedone to solve this problem.




Theburgeoning development of modern technologies has enabled people to view theirhealth in a more scientific light. A lot of people, thus, have become thestrict followers of what scientists advised them about their health. Other morestubborn defenders of old habits, however, seem to prefer their daily routinesand continued with their “less healthy” activities as usual. The reasons, and apossible solution for this problem are as follows.

Firstly,despite the omnipresence of scientific slogans and banners about the damagescaused by unhealthy activities, such as the explicit picture of a sick lung onthe pack of Marlboro, some people may still fail to notice, or choose toneglect the fact that their activities to be “unhealthy”. This maybe caused bya variety of reasons, from a failure to understand the scientific jargons to anoverconfidence of their status of health to the negative impact caused by media.For example, some smokers may think smoking is not that harmful to their healthas they see people doing it every day in movies, and these actors look totallyhealthy.

Moreover,even though people are fully aware of the damages their activities may cause,they may still be compelled into repeating this due to their over-reliance, oraddiction to some activities. This helps to explain why, say, an alcoholic, whomight be deeply regretful of the many bad things that might happen afterdrinking, will still choose to buy another bottle of whisky. It also helps toexplain why people who are doing something “unhealthy” need more help thanscorns.

To helpthese people, we could still harness the power of modern science. Thepopularity with smartphones in this day and age should be where scientists anddecision-makers look. They may devise an app which, by using its sensors, wouldencourage users to be more conscious about what they are doing on one hand, andto send out warnings, or calling for help when they have exceeded, say a givenlimit on the other.

Of course, thereasons for this situation, as well as the solutions should be closely studiedso as to provide a better, more comprehensive approach to persuade more peopleleading a healthy lifestyle.

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