小编:张一臣 8192015年3月21日雅思听力考题回忆及权威解析
苏州环球教育学校 张一臣
S1: 旧题 表格填空题 女人应聘体育中心的求职电话
1. Home address130, Pitchely avenue
2. mobile phonenumber 07785206439
3. accountant department at the Mason office assistant
4. able to be aswimming coach qualities: hasnational ***certificate
5. be able to dealwith different people
Goodat problem solving
6. good at concentration
Physical condition
7. excellent vision
8. behappy to: work Sunday morning
9. Dosome cleaning and administrative
10.applicantknow this job from newspaper read onthe bus radio.
S2: 旧题 单选5+配对5 参观美术馆场景
11. When was this art gallery open to the public?
A.1885 (someone passed away, missed the opening)
B.1887 (it was built in this year)
C. 1888
12.The former owner of the art gallery wanted it to be
C. the oil painting
13. The biggest capital from donation funded by
A. local government(total 3 million, city council paid 2 million)
C.national fund
14. What will be open to the public?
A.an education center
B. sculpture garden(雕像花园)
15. visitors’ attention:
A.should book online (you can book online if you wish)
B. tickets should be used in a certaintime (valid for 2 hours)
C.free to children
16-20 地图配对
16. Media Room——E(进门口左手边走廊尽头的那个房间)
17. Tea House——A
18. Web Room——B
19. Café——C
20. Shop——D(可以买卖东西)
S3: 旧题 6个选择+4个单选 学术讨论场景
两个学生 Rob andSarah 关于药物治疗的 presentation
21-26)multiple choice
21. the reason for Rob becomingnervous?
A.be part of mid-term score
B. not did well last time
C. have not yetfaced to so big group of people before
22. 女生是什么心情面对演讲
A. excited
B. worried
C. unconcerned
23. 演讲开始 open with a
A. joke (story)
B. video clip
C.Statistic information in film
24. what did LEO learn frommessage: how to strengthen the
relationship between doctor and patients
25. 待补充
26. what to do next
A. investigation
B. give a view ofthe information
C. check content again
27-30)multiple choices(2/5)
27-28)first thing
B explain why they chose this topic
E illustration, medical and therapy
B.国家的背景 experience of audience(not having time forthat)
D audience participates
E audience to ask question
S4:填空题 new energy housing 新能源住房
31. Wind
32. Display
33. Shower
34. Driver
35. Machine
36. Flower
37. Ash
38. Park
39. Factor
…… (题干待补充)