小编:钟宜隽 865Section 1 V101030S1
1. Visa type: blue card
2. work time from July to October
3. The information is from agency
4. busiest time: September
5. picking date decided by weather
6. over 18years old salary: £6.50
7. accommodation: campsite
8. Advise to go around by: bike
9. must work with passport
10. should bring own lunch and supply of water
Section 2
地点旅游;theatre manager介绍剧场的6个节目和一个youth art festival (配对题+选择题)
A. Adepted from a film
B. Ask audience on stage
C. Not suitable for everyone
D. Enjoyed by young people
E. No tickets available
F. A few tickedts left
G. Recently performed abroad
1. B
2. E
3. C
4. F
5. G
6. D
7. 活动什么时候截至?C
8. 申请者需要什么文件?B. a summary of the performance
9. A. play a role
10. 某个剧的特色? A. invent a language
Section 3
两个人讨论濒临灭绝的太平洋毛利语言的保护 endangered language(选择题+流程配对)
1. 与其他语言相比,太平洋一代的当地语言如何?A. 更濒临灭绝
2. A. cautious about borrowed language
3. 哪里的当地语言保护得较为完整?R开头的地方
4. B
5. D
6. H
7. C
8. F
9. B
10. E
Section 4 V110428S4
1. Engineering
2. Printed
3. Global market
4. Documentation
5. Computer
6. Tutorial
7. Reflective
8. Business plan
9. Journalism
10. Interview