小编: 581Task one
The bar chart shows percentage of adults in differentage groups in the UK who use internet in the year 2003-2006
Key features:
a. 在所有四年里网络使用率始终随着年龄段的增加而降低
b. 年轻人使用率最高,老年人使用率最低
c. 16-24岁与45-54岁在四年里使用率发生了波动。而25-44与55-64是使用率都发生了增长,而后者比前者的增长率更快
d. 65+是唯一一组四年里使用率保持不变的年龄段,且比其他年龄段使用率小得多
总结段( 以主观描述为主): it seems that young people are morepassionate about internet using than older people and as the future comes, theyare likely to use it more frequently.
Task two
Theleaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some peoplesay that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?
Writeat least 250 words
应重点描述youngpeople can also be a leader 部分
开头段: 背景引入+作者观点
背景引入:年轻人进入职场因为缺乏经验大都从低层工作做起(start from lower positions because they don’t possess much workingexperience), 领导角色大都由年长者担任(executives are generallyelderly people)
我认为年轻人同样可以成为领导: young people can also be qualified to be a competent leader)
老年人适合做leader是因为经验丰富(rich experience), 更深的社会认识(deep understandings of the society), 广泛的社交圈(broad social connections)处理事情沉稳,老练,不急躁(tactfuland more likely to settle down when handling tough problems). 考虑问题全面(well considerations before making decisions)
年轻人学习沟通能力强(strongabilities in grasping new knowledge and communicating);创新能力强(high potential in creativity),能带领团队迅速前进(leadthe team to break the new ground);年轻领导更能站在年轻员工的角度看问题,了解员工的需求,更好促进员工发展(analyze from the perspective of young staff; understand theirdemand; beneficial to the careerdevelopment of employees)
年轻人精力旺盛(energetic)有工作激情(enthusiastic),原意探索(explore to the new area),工作效率更高(moreefficient);年轻人的科技运用能力强(impressive skills in using modern technology),能更好的管理团队( can better manage his team)