小编: 张娟花 276A类小作文
剑桥雅思 5 test 1
剑桥雅思 9 test 4
Body 段1: 2015年前出生率和死亡率趋势的描写和对比。
1950-1970 thenumber of the dead declined slightly from 550 thousand to 500 thousand, but thatof new births experienced dramatic rise to the peak of 1 million. After 1970,death rate climbed gradually and then leveled out for a certain period of 40years before declining to 1950 figure at present time. However, surprisingly,the birth rate saw a striking dip to the bottom of just 550 thousand in 1980,after which it recovered a little to reach a new high of 0.6 million in 1995.Till now, the number of new babies has dropped slowly again.
Body 段2:2015年后出生率和死亡率的描写和对比。
Compared withthe period from 1950 to the present time, the predicted dead population is to haverisen obviously and sharply to nearly 0.8 million, but the figure for newbirths is projected to have kept constant at around 0.6 million by 2050.
Overall, whilethe death rate is predicted to have risen dramatically by the year of 2050, thebirth rate will drop greatly.
Some people saythat playing computer games is bad for children in every way. Others say thatplaying computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
【题目解析】本话题属于大作文经典话题之一,电脑游戏对于儿童的正面和负面影响,应该算是比较简单的一道题目。本次考试话题有3个关键词:negativeand positive effects, computer games, children。
08.01.10 Some people believe that timespent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Othersbelieve this have negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give yourown opinion.
Para 1引入话题,介绍电脑游戏是当前深受众人喜爱的一种释放压力和娱乐的最流行的方式之一,同时引出对孩子的影响。
Undoubtedly, playing computer gameshas turned out to be one of the most popular leisure and social activities forpeople to get released from heavy pressure or entertained. Children are neverexcluded, who are also greatly influenced by this trend in this digital age.
Para 2: 电脑游戏对于孩子的正面影响。可以培养孩子短时间(within a short term)内解决问题的能力(problem-solving ability)和主动寻求挑战并解决问题的能力(seek out for new challenges actively)。However,只有少数的青少年有很强的自控能力和从游戏中学习的能力(self-control and self-study),大部分的青少年很多都会发展成为游戏上瘾(addicts),而影响到其他方面的发展(academic study,social communication in a real world)
Para 3 :电脑游戏对于孩子成长的负面影响。1. 对于孩子身体健康的危害很大。视力的下降(degradation of eyesight); 久坐电脑前,没有足够的体育运动容易使得孩子的免疫力下降(the decline of immunity),长期玩游戏,会产生头疼,焦虑(anxiety),甚至死亡(death)。 2. 对于孩子心理健康危害(damage to psychological development)也是不可忽视的(never be neglected)。孩子在虚拟的世界里面可以充当任何她/他期望的角色(any expected roles),成为英雄(heroic),从而获得极大的自信心(confidence),但是回到现实生活中时,却处处会遇到困难和挫折(frustrations),不能坦然面对,从而产生焦虑,抑郁等不健康的心理(unhealthy psychology)。 3. 电脑游戏也会影响孩子的语言(language)和社交能力(social ability)。
表明自己的观点,电脑游戏虽然可以让我们放松压力或娱乐,但是对于缺乏自控(lack of self-discipline)能力以及辨别真伪能力的青少年们来说,电脑游戏的危害是远远大于其所带来的好处(more drawbacks can be found againstthe benefits of computer games)。政府和父母都要充分监督孩子对于电脑游戏的依赖(monitor the use of computers),同时要教育孩子如何识别虚拟和现实的不同(the distinctions between the virtualworld and the reality),增强其对现实生活的兴趣(inspire their interest in differentactivities in real world)。