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小编:江艳 813
摘要:S1:V08114 一男一女在讨论网上购物,关于想要买的东西,付款方式,并且交换了对于网上购物的看法

S1V08114 一男一女在讨论网上购物,关于想要买的东西,付款方式,并且交换了对于网上购物的看法。

1-5. Completion

1.      女孩在网上买什么:clothes

2.      男孩想在网上买什么:sportsequipment

3.      女孩不知道如何:pay

4.      男孩和女孩约在哪一天:Saturday

5.      那个女的可以帮那个男生有关letter on job application

6-10. Multiple choice

6.      那个男的喜欢网上购物的原因:C.a lot of choices

7.      那个女的觉得网上购物不好的地方:

A.poor quality B. Instructions areconfused  C.the payment system is unsafe

8.      那个男的讲关于在网上买CD的好处:B.CDs from other countries are available(因为他说他买的是imported CD, 而这些在商店里是买不到的。)

9.      女孩子想要网络购物时提供:phonenumbers(她说她担心东西的质量,所以就想有联系的方式,最好还是能够直接联系,所以是phone numbers)

10.  那个男的说在网上买一下东西必须注意:B. Fresh products (FOOD)

S2 :V08141S1  介绍关于学校提供学生的兼职工作的相关事宜

11-15. Completion

11.special policy applies to overseas student

12.It will locate in the Woodside Campus

13.The requiry Office opens till 8:00 P.M.

14.The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays

15.University Website will show the job information

16-20. Multiple choice

16.Where can they find the latest news of new listed jobs? C.Parking center

17.Employers will visit the school

A.only in the first semester B.twice a year    C throughoutthe year

18.The advantage of doing part-time job:

A.does benefits to the full-time jobs in the future  B. good record C. to form the teaworkability

19.Student salary will be

A. taxed   B. paid by every week   C.need to buy private insurance

20.You shall contact with the boss via

A.writing   B. email   C.mobile

S3: 08314 男生和女生共同准备一个presentation,讨论相关事宜。

21-26 Multiple choice

21.colloect data 对象是什么?C.People who earn living in that area

22. 调查怎么记录 result ofquestionnaire. A. Directly reply via electronic digital image

B. Drawing history building maps C. Representation slides

23. 听众的feedback C. smallgroups to have a presentation

24. What do the tutor think the presentation should be

A. given by a group representative  B. reported by all memebers in groupsC.written out on the flipchart

25. 关于问卷调查结果,女声的建议是:C .present advantages and disadvantages of both slides

26. 男生和女生对调查的看法:C. someinformation is confidential

27-30. Matching

A. InternetB.national press journalist C. local newspaper D.radio E.council meeting F. TVG. Community reference

27. map-B

28.photos –C

29.budget –E

30.comment -D

S4:V130112 关于一个AUV水下探测器的介绍

31-40 Completion

31. AUV 看起来像一个小型的airplane (之后会说多长多宽多重什么的)

32. act likerobot

33.可以被用来测量水压和水温以及level of salt

34. reply on thewater depth and quality

35.how the oceanimpacts on the climate

36.-handle tasksthat cannot be done by humans

 - can link to a ship without cables

37. 不能测量环境污染:chemical level

38. 使用oil and gas

39. surfaceof sea floor

40.from theantenna in the left

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