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2019年4月6日雅思口语Part 1-3真题点评



小编:长安 194


  【Part 1-3真题点评】

  Part 1:第一部分与考官完成的为必考题 work or study,accommodation,hometown,同学们要流利地向考官简要地介绍:自己的工作或学习情况、学校或家里的住所和家乡城市。


  Part 2:根据收集和整理题材,第二部分经历和物品类较多。考生在第二部分的作答前推荐及时笔记,竖着罗列出重点,方便讲述中纵向看清楚,边看边思考添加内容。串联话题中,虽然很多是可以套用一个话题对象,但务必突出被选话题的重点。


  Part 3:第三部分与考官的互动讨论,考生需注意专业学术词汇和论证句型的表达,同时还需要考生对深入的问题进行有逻辑的辩论。对考官互动过程中提出的追问问题,不要立场不稳,只要自己的答案是有理由的,可坚持自己的立场。


  Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family mem-bers

  You should say:

  What the thing was

  When and borrowed it

  Whom you borrowed it from

  And explain why you borrowed the thing



  词汇:specially designed clothes 特别设计的衣服

  boutique 精品店

  shopkeeper 店主

  be astonished to 吃惊地

  tailor 裁缝

  anxious 焦虑的

  high-neck 高领的

  be thankful to 感谢于



  Last autumn I was taking a course in another city and one day I received a message that my dear aunt was going to get married soon. Because the wedding colour was blue, I ordered a specially designed blue dress for the party from a boutique in my hometown which I used to go to, and sent my requirements to the shopkeeper by email in advance.

  However, when I received the dress a week before the wedding, I was astonished to find out it was made much smaller than the size that I provided. What was worse, I was told the tailor went on a holiday after he finished the work, so it was impossible for me to get another one done before the event.

  I was very anxious. Suddenly, I remembered a picture of my close friend Yam on Instagram wearing a navy blue dress on her parents 25th wedding anniversary . She's a similar size to me, so I decided to phone her to ask if she could lend me the clothes for my aunt's party. After learning about what happened, Fei lent me her dress immediately.

  The blue dress was a high-neck floral dress with keyhole back detail. It looked gorgeous and really matched the wedding colour. My aunt was very pleased to see me in it and we took photos with the groom and family members. I was so thankful to Yam for giving me a hand at that time.

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