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小编:李帆 526
摘要:2013年12月7、8日雅思口语考试回忆解析--苏州环球教育学校 李帆

这次考试延续上一周的趋势,基本无任何变化。PartOne依旧考了一些近期常考话题。例如:name,work or study, toys, email or writing, painting, cell phone, friends, cycling,birthday等等。

Part Two 人物类话题有an oldperson you respectan interesting person。地点类话题有:shoppingstreet, interesting country, seaside place, a place you study or work。物品类话题有:clothesyou wear on formal occasions, something you can’t live without, a wok of art, abook, family biz。媒体类话题:website,TV program 事件类话题有sportsevent, interesting historic event, trip by public transport


Describe sports event 是最近考生比较头疼的话题之一,描述体育赛事会涉及一些专业术语和一些赛事的背景信息,需要考生考前做好backgroundresearch。以下是一篇体育赛事的参考答案。


Describe a sports eventyou took part in or watched


Well, I would actually like to talk about atennis game I watched on TV on September the 7th. As a matter of fact, it was amatch of US Open which is a very spectacular tennis game in the world. Youknow, the reason why I chose this topic to describe is that my favorite Chinesetennis player Li Na took part in this match and her opponent is the well-knownplayer younger Williams. More importantly, it was the semi-final of US Openthis year and it was actually the eighth time they met with each other on thecourt of tennis match. You know, Li Na had never won a single game ever againstyounger Williams, so I was really looking forward to this game.


In terms of the match itself, I have to say itwas very exciting and fantastic. Both the players played very well and gave usan enjoyable match. Additionally, they played for about one and half an hour.Obviously, younger Williams had the advantage over Li Na as she got severalaces as well as all sorts of good returns. However, Li Na was also very good atserving and receiving. Well, this game was so significant for both the playersthat they played toughly and fiercely. Finally, Li Na lost the game with 0-6,3-6 for two rounds. Besides, on the interview after the match, Li Na admittedthat she got some feeling to play against younger Williams at the end of thegame. What’s more, she also said that she was still delighted about the game.


To tell you the truth, Li Na is my role model andI really respect and admire her. You know, she has already become the besttennis player in China and we are all proud of her. More importantly, she isvery famous in sports field and many young people have been inspired andinfluenced by her. If I remember correctly, she always strongly believes thatit doesn’t matter to win or lose and it is important when you are ready orwell-prepared for the next step. Personally, I feel she is the player with bigheart. Well, that’s the reason why I am fond of watching her games and I willback and support her forever. Thanks for your listening.

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